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I am making an Android app about myths and legends which contains many images, among all the stories are 500 images in total. So I would like to know how I can...

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Is my game consuming too much RAM?
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I'm making my first release on Steam, and the demo is already available to download and play, but I decided to test it on a new notebook that I bought, and I fo...

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How do I optimize my game for even the crappiest PCs?
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I want to optimize my game because I want more people to be able to play it but it runs horribly on lower end devices so I need to fix that, any tips or info yo...

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How do I optimize a project with a lot of objects.
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I have about 40,000 copies of a sprite and it's slowing down my project immensely with CPU usage at 95%. With the debug menu I see that some event-sheets are al...

posted 1 months ago
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Animation Optimization Best Practices.
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I'm making a children's book app. I have a bear I've animated in CTA5. Its massive at 1080 x 1920. Just this one animation makes the game 1GB in size. I've not...

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