Content tagged transparent

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How do I Load URL with transparent background?
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I need to load a HTML page with transparent background, so I can create an image with a link and update this page how I want later. I hope someone can help me....

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Alpha gradient TiledBackground looking bad in Construct 3
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I have a PNG image, which consists in a gradient of transparency: The bottom of the image is fully opaque, and transparency increases towards the top of the ima...

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WebView2 Windows App With Transparent background
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I made an app that basically shows a gamepad input and I managed to make the window transparent using the NW.Js export as described in this post: However I want...

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How do I completely remove the background?
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Basically What I am trying to do is a gif that appears and goes away after a few seconds, like those in SuperChats on livestreams. I tried using a green backgro...

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My blocks are transparent, how to fix?
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So, my blocks (sprites) are transparent for some reason, and I need help.

posted 1 years ago
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Video and png sequence export in construct 3
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Would it be possible to get the video and png sequence export ability that is in Construct animate added to Construct 3 ?