Content tagged gravity

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Gravity (touch acceleration) disabled in the r179?
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Don't know if this is a bug or not, TOUCH Acceleration seems disabled in the newest released r179 C3 and my games using gravity for input dont work! HELP ME PLS...

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Well Friends again, taking advantage of the Quarantine, I decided to do something that apparently was or is relatively difficult . Let's go there: Due to the ch...

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Hi Construct community! I've been looking for a information on how to do this and I can't find it. Based on what I know of the tools, I know it can be done; I j...

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I've got a player sprite that accelerates up when the screen is touched and held, using Custom movement. When you lift your finger, it should stop accelerating...

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How do I make gravitational orbits?
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I would like a help to know how to do realistic physics in Construct, I will give an example. I have a large circle and a small one, when the small circle appro...

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How do I check for Z elevation 0?
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This is kind of a strange one, but hang with me. It's a 3D question. I have a building that I want to have fall when it's created. When it spawns, it spawns in...

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Physics World Gravity not exposed in expressions?
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Can someone confirm that you can't access the physics object's world gravity parameter via expressions? For example, you can set the gravity using the appropria...

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How do I apply a force in the z axis?
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I'm making a 3d platformer, and I wanted to make the character jump, can I use the physics behavior to apply a force on the z axis? And if not, how else can I s...

posted 3 years ago
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Too high gravity in my game?
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I'm making a physics based game. And I have a problem. The world gravity has to be 80 for this game to be any good. I've tried changing "player" density and oth...

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How can I keep my speed with my reverse gravity jumping?
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I have a whole VVVVVV-based segment in my game, and the only thing that makes this thing not work perfectly is that when flipping the player stops and then move...

posted 2 years ago