Content tagged camera-follow

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How do I fix jitters movement on camera follow?
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I see a bunch of old post about this topic but they result to be too much old to reply my solution to this problem. To clarify, I refer to this problem. First I...

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My camera is not following my player.
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I am using the current template of kiwi story to learn about Construct 3. A funny thing happened when I changed my player sprite in the game my player is moving...

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How do I make a camera tether?
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I'm pretty new to Construct 3 and have played around with Scollto camera as well as creating a "ghost" sprite that moves using wasd, acting as a free moving cam...

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How do I Multiplayer Camera following different players?
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My idea is to do a plataform coop where the camera follow differents players in a game with 10 players. I have been testing different ways, I kinda made it but...

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Forum Topic
How do I Maker the Camera follow the player at an offset?
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I need my camera to follow the player at an offset since I have the UI cover the rightmost 4th of the screen, I want the player to be centered to the remaining...

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How to make camera just go up with one event
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I'm using Construct 3 free edition and I don't have too many events to use. My game have a camera that go up with the player but never go down. If the player go...

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How do I stop camera stuttering when player is moving?
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How can I get the camera to stop stuttering when the player is moving? The camera works exactly like I want it to when the player stands still but I can't figur...

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Please help me: Tried reading up on/watching many scroll-to videos but I can't figure out what's wrong.

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Question: How to not move the camera in a small range?
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Do you remember the game "Batman" from NES? In that gameplay, when the player move, the camera doesn't move immediately; Instead it appears that there's a delay...

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Forum Topic
4 Player Camera help
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I am making a top-down game where there are 4 players, right now the game works great and all players are able to move around and all that. The issue I am encou...