Good day!
Do you remember the game "Batman" from NES? In that gameplay, when the player move, the camera does not move immediately; instead it appears that there is a delay, but it is not. If fact, looks like there is a range where player can move right/left with out camera move, but if the player cross that limit, then the camera move and follow the player, and stop immediately when the player stop too (or unless the map end, of course).
I find it something similar on godot tutorials, but on construct 3 no body talk about this o¬o
Has example, this gif is what I mean:
Im not locking smooth/delay camera (so tipic on indie games), becouse that is another thing. Im looking the example of Batman. I see that camera type on Ninja Gaiden too (in that game, I think the range movement is bigger than the Batman game). I cant remember another games right now u-u