View a comprehensive history of all the new features in Construct 3 since the first release.

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Mobile Advert plugin
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Support for Edge 16 (in the Windows 10 Fall Creator's Update)
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Support for Safari 11 on macOS High Sierra
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Experimental support for iOS 11!
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Construct 3 is now supported in Firefox!
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French language translation available in Settings
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New 'Light' theme, the counterpart to the 'Dark' theme.
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New GPUUtilisation expression for basic GPU profiling
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Brand-new IAP plugin, now named "Mobile IAP"
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New Export Manager, listing previous Android and iOS exports, and allowing importing Cordova exports to build
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Accounts can now be used offline (for up to 7 days)
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The 'Dark' theme is now built-in and can be selected from Settings without having to install it first.
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Themes are now supported! After installing a theme addon, simply select it from the Settings dialog. Check the forum for an additional dark theme coming soon.
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Access codes for temporary licensed usage (intended for Education licenses)
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App Build Service is now live!
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New Xbox Live plugin. This will allow integration with Xbox Live services and enable publishing Xbox One games. It is not currently usable during the public beta but is ready for when subscriber features are made available.