View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.
Minified exports that failed did not report an error
Work around Safari bug that could prevent video playback working in Remote Preview
Speculative fix for viewport sizing issue on iOS
Animations editor: image points changing position after resize (regression r216)
Ensure correct Z ordering for instances in a hierarchy
Timeline and ease sub folder names not saved
Animations editor: crash undoing changes involving moving and adding frames after closing the editor
Text input: 'Scroll to bottom' may not have covered a newly added line
NW.js: exports not working when using module scripts
Possible issue resizing nested dialogs
Layout View: could not paste with Ctrl+V when in popup window
UI could update incorrectly when switching focus between popup windows
Sprite plugin: instances not undoing changes properly (regression r231)
Layout view: touch not working in r231
'Recreate initial objects' not working correctly in r231
Properties bar: unable to select text input fields without dragging (regression r230)
Tilemap bar: first tile of the rectangle tool changing unexpectedly (regression r230)
Scene graph: possible crash adding instance to a hierarchy
Scene graph: keep correct Z ordering when creating a whole hierarchy at runtime
Scene graph: fix crash undoing undoing changes while instances are selected
Scene graph: avoid adding undo points which make no changes
Dragging of items in table controls sometimes did not work
Tilemap bar: crash using the patch selection tool (regression r230)
Animations editor: instances changing size unexpectedly after adding and moving frames in the editor
Event sheet view: 'call function' actions could disappear when attempting an invalid drag-drop
Touch: gestures not measuring time correctly in worker mode
SVG Picture: did not use correct downscaling quality in editor
Not all keyboard shortcuts worked in popup windows
Possible crash pressing Escape to close dialog in popup window
Properties bar (mobile): update the properties bar after undoing
Properties bar (mobile): modifying numeric inputs by dragging not working
Animations editor (mobile): activating move tool locked up the rest of the UI
Animations editor (mobile): improve consistency of 2 finger gesture to zoom/pan while a tool is active
Properties bar: property groups could show incomplete list when using a pen device
Layout view: allow selecting and moving instance in one motion when using pen device
'Wait' in function block did not handle local variables correctly
SVG plugin: possible crash rapidly changing SVG file
Audio: changing tremolo effect mix didn't work
Recent projects: did not list separate entries for copies of local project files
Physics: possible crash loading savegame with joints connected in chain
Network requests in preview could fail after a timeout (regression in r226)
Layers bar: could not click lock icon (regression in r229)
Event sheet view: could not resize columns (regression in r229)
Work around bug in Safari 14 causing issues in editor
Another fix for Android exports not working on some devices since r226
Project Bar: possible crash cloning object types in a family
Mesh editor: incorrectly allowed dragging mesh points with middle and right mouse buttons
Layout view: could not scroll with mouse wheel when different cursor showing
Platform behavior: improve detection of landing on a jumpthru moving upwards
Platform behavior: could not always jump off a solid platform moving upwards through another solid
JSON: setting key could fail after attempting to access before it exists
'Wait for previous actions to complete' in a trigger could incorrectly wait on async actions in other triggers
Animations editor: crash picking an external editor on macOS
Could not reorder instance variable/behavior/effects (regression in r227)
Mesh distortion: did not save state with savegames
Drawing Canvas: pasting objects could detach them from their hierarchy
Instance variables dialog did not always show description
Debugger object highlight did not handle layer rotation correctly
Wrong script size in export statistics
Copy/pasting event sheets/layouts did not preserve tab colors
Speculative fix for Android exports not working on some devices since r226
Z order bar: previous selection lost when pressing Ctrl/Cmd to select multiple instances
Mobile layout: sliding panes not working properly (regression r227)
Timeline bar: crash using custom ease with cubic bezier paths (regression r220)
Firefox: preview/remote preview not working in private browsing mode
New minifier not loading (regression in r227)
Project 'Scripts type' property accidentally hidden
Animations editor: fix "External editor" tool in the desktop builds for OS X and Linux
Animations editor: unexpected pixels painted when drawing sharp lines with low opacity
Animations editor: sliding panels not working in mobile layout (regression r226)
Animations editor: toolbar buttons occationaly not working (regression r226)
Could not preview in free edition after attempting remote preview
UI state: avoid saving state that causes unexpected layout after restart
UI state: tabs outside the main pane not restored when opening a project
Animations editor: prevent setting negative values when modifying collision polygon vertices
Animations editor: ESC key not working if focus is on the main panel (regression r225)
Scene graph: 'remove all children' context menu option was not working
Scene graph: possible crash using the 'remove from parent' context menu option
Tilemap bar: tools not working properly when used on a layout opened in a popup window
Tilemap bar: toolbar buttons not working when detached to a popup window (regression r218)
Z Order bar: crash attempting to open the bar in the mobile
iframe: did not always handle query strings correctly when loading local project file
Audio: convolution effects did not always work in Safari
Layout View: could incorrectly show resize/rotate cursors over other parts of UI
Share plugin: could not always share files in iOS apps
Animations editor: editor blocked when pressing escape while focus is on a text input
Possible crash deleting something then trying to navigate to a search result referencing it
Possible rare crash hiding a menu
Cloning data storage objects in project bar accidentally created two instances (regression r214)
Legacy C2 runtime: tilemap collisions not always working (regression r217)
Folder project could be corrupted after cloning object type
Project Bar: possible crash cloning data storage object types
Project Bar: creating instances from cloned object types did not always preserve all instance properties
Drawing Canvas: did not handle pasting instances from other layers correctly
Physics: runtime error using 'Apply torque towards position'
Animations editor: incorrect initial frame shown in the layout view after deleting frames in the animations editor
Slow folder project saves (regression in r221)
Scene graph: pasting content from a closed project did not restore hierarchy information correctly
Scene graph: copy hierarchy properties when making clone of an instance
Scene graph: adding and removing instances was not registered as a project change
Scene graph: avoid saving information for deleted hierarchy children
Scene graph: crash duplicating a layout with scene graph information
Scene graph: runtime crash saving and loading
Timelines: crash animating Sprite plugin's frame property
Timelines bar: preview of "loop" and "ping pong" properties not working properly
Layout view: some timeline UI elements still drawn after toggling the "Show UI elements" checkbox
Layout view: avoid showing timeline and scene graph UI elements when a layer is hidden
Animations editor: Escape key did not close the editor (regression r219)
Particles: did not apply particle color when spawning objects
Avoid duplicate folder project entries appearing in recent projects
9-patch: possible crash dragging margin values in editor
Event sheet view: add event above/below keyboard shortcuts did not work with a comment selected
Possible corruption of folder project after making changes in the Animations Editor (regression in r220)
Scene Graph: layout view UI now is shown at a constant size regardless of zoom level
Scene Graph: clone hierarchy information when cloning using Ctrl/Cmd + dragging
Scene Graph: crash copying and pasting instances with scene graph information
workermain.js accidentally exported in two places
Properties bar: crash selecting instances of different plugins (regression r220)
Tilemap bar: Tilemap hotkeys don't work until you place a tile (regression r212)
Tilemap brushes: brushes not always cloned into new object type