zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • ok , i have no idea what the title should be but the important thing is that :

    i don't know if this will help scirra or not but i just wanna say it.

    before i knew scirra i have emailed (GOOGLE) to develop a program that look like this (easy,for windows,...). see the message :

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/1212zax.jpg" border="0" />

    ok this google's replay:

    <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/20qi268.jpg" border="0" />

    see they looking for this!

    hmm so the advice that i want to say is : why don't you guys combine scirra to google? or be a part of google?

    what will this do to scirra ?

    as i see :

    1) make scirra more popular.

    2) grow the scirra work , as we know google many companies that develop games,apps so what would be if all these companies should use scirra to create games, or put there codes (java,blablabla...) to scirra and develop it will make it the best program and more people will come to you guys and companies....

    3)get money , i don't know how much money you guys got but around max (1m-10m).

    4)maybe let each app created with scirra give you about 20% to you like this..

    last thing want to say this is just an advice for you guys... you can think for it or disagree.

    anyway i wish with scirra the best and good luck ^^

    Ashley ,@Tom

    good luck^^

  • soon but it will be beta or few levels only

  • thanks

  • hmm noob question do you use pen/hand or a mouse to draw these??

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  • hmmmm nice work ^^ but some problems need to be fix

    the player is slow as i see ^^

    i think you should lower the arrow gravity because its too hard to use it while we can't see monsters for now, i think if we can see the monsters we will stick with them.

    hmm also the player need a shadow like ( a circle in his feet) -simple.

    and good luck and keep the good work ^^

  • Fuged the link you have added doesn't work o.o

  • lucid

    thanks it worked fine now , i wish if i could buy it :( but i can't buy anything this 6 months :(

    after that ill buy ,i hope ^^

  • AarongamerX nice idea but my game wouldn't have a frog but its nice idea seems ill try it in other way like a button when i click it i can control a magic that moves and grab something .... thanks ^^ seems this idea need weeks for it XD

    thanks again ^^

    by the way my platform (wizard look almost like my picture)

  • hmm i have something to ask , when you reach the goal (25k) what will happen?? you will release or what???

    also why i can't try the beta it says this error :

    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/2q88ylx.jpg" border="0" />

    by the way none of us would say this is a weak program , because its almost the best sprite maker as we are seeing , so keep the good work ^^

  • hmm im not sure but i think this program support multitouch don't ask me how you can try it without touch screen :)

    anyway you can at least see the graphics for example see angry bird (not hd angry bird) its 720x480 good 0.0 ... and keep all these in your games later.

  • by the way i just downloaded it now , and it can download the free apps from the market so you don't need a phone either also this is only for android but it will be for windows8 later!!

  • hi everyone,

    today im going to tell you guys about a program some people already known it but some not..

    ok this program is a program that let you put your apps in a cloud with your windows,mac but what good on that??nathing..

    ok the good thing is that you can preview the apps in your pc (windows,mac) also you can see the way of your apps how they work , is they work fine.. blablabla!

    some people will say i will just try in my phone and done..but sometimes the apps laggy on the phone so you can check them if the problem from the phone or from the game also this program let you try the games that installed in your phone and get some ideas from them, see the graphics,smooth,...

    just hurryup and do it.

    ok some people will say this is useless there is a more advance one but its hard to download you need virtual box and more stuffs -.- why all that...do the easy one ^^

    link here : http://bluestacks.com/

  • hmmm in the right side of construct2 there is a folder called "families" you can create a sub-folder and put all these enemies sprites there.(i don't know how because i don't have it)

    and make a global variable that compared with the enemy health variable.(another event)

    after that just in even make a condition if bullet or something...collision with the enemy it subtract from enemy health.

    so just change the variables of the enemies and done...

  • 1_ As you have named layouts as (1,2,3,...) I use the name of the layout to know in which level I am.

    The int() is a system expression that turns a string into a number, as the X coordinate expected in an array is a number.

    2_ Check the how do I FAQ in the "Arrays" section, I did a capx a while ago that pretty much explains everything, and check also the manual entry about arrays.

    10 is a default value, in the end, the width (X) of your array will have to be your total number of levels.

    really good works thanks man, but i need to know one more thing

    if my layouts name liked this : Layout (1-10) for example Layout 1

    will this int(LayoutName) change or it will be the same??

    thanks for the array helps ^^ till now i didn't understand them but im going to focus on them later :) ill see your .capx.

    *by the way i have read array manual seems they are hard to understand...

    thanks again

  • Joannesalfa i liked Kyatric and this what i meant before !! and thanks for trying^^