zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • i think when u put link you have u put some words to display and then you put the link,

    so in the words to display put your image link between these two things

    also i think you can use another way with this link :


    good luck^^

  • is there a delete button? i couldn't found , i want to change the game name it doesn't work i tried many times.

  • is there a way to delete my arcade game? and realese new one? because i want to change the name but it didn't work.

    if there is way tell me please where i can find it.


  • ahh i see

  • ok i have tried to understand this forum but i couldn't ,

    i mean i don't know what are the new topics in the section or what are the new posts i knew there is a new posts but if i didn't enter it in next time it will be normal post so i should check all forum everytime to see the news this crazy , please make the forum that when new topic or post done it colors with dark colors and read posts with light colors instead of (one dark,one light with a text)... i don't know if you guys understood anything from me ,

    just change the forum reading style! thanks and good luck!

  • by the way my game was (screen mode on [scale mode])

  • ok i don't know this problem i think because of layout size see my game:

    <img src="http://i42.tinypic.com/n34rq9.jpg" border="0" />

    why its sticked in top-left corner lol.

    i want the game looks like this example (airscape):

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/35lgb9f.jpg" border="0" />

    big layout but it has a small place that show in the game also it fit the whole screen..

    how can i do that? i don't want uploading alot and annoying you guys that why i post here..

    thanks for helping!

  • oh ill try it ^^ thanks

  • ok , i don't know how to start but i found that many games in iphone or in ipad has HD or normal version why?

    because of image resolution but why all ipad games or apps has HD versions only while iphone not? because of this image resolution..

    also the new ipad (ipad 3) has 4x resultion than the ipad so maybe 8x the iphone while all that we should make game and game and game... this crazy.. but i found somthing when we draw an image with vector image editor like (inkscape) we can make as much resolution as we want but when we inside it the construct2 it come too big maybe bigger than the game, but we can make it smaller a little ( i tried to small more than little like more than half of my character but it comes like pixel game and this annoying <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle"> ) so i should do every sprite 3 times or 4 (ipad3,ipad,iphone4,ipod,pc...)

    so sangerous what do you want ??

    ok an idea this we can put any picture resolution in construct2 and construct2 will convert the picture as we want like in photoshop..so i don't need do image in illstrator then convert it in photoshop then put it in construct2 and this for one device... so we do the game as we want then we convert the resulotion...

    for example i put all my images 800ppi (background,character,...) then before i save i click what resolution i put 800 or less.. so in that way i can save it for all devices (i have the original one and the device version)..

    so when a new device comes with 4x ipad3 resolution we can do it in 1click .

    i hope this comes in construct2 , even after 1-2years .. good luck guys!!

  • i wish ashely make these in the new version of c2 because im really don't know these stuffs , i failed in something more easier than that lol , good luck ^^ and thanks!

  • thanks both of you ^^ good and works fine!

  • i don't get it , is it like this?

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/l88rk.jpg" border="0" />

    i want it like this when he go right i want him to face it (right side):

    <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/f57x1l.jpg" border="0" />

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  • is there a way to make monster go right,left (sine behaviour) but when he go left his face go to left also when he go right his face go to right ?

    if there isn't a way should you guys make a behaviour for that or edit sine?

  • hope we see this soon ^^

  • hmm as we knew some of tutorials are hard to some of us...that why they keep asking (like me <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )...but what about this idea i think it will help all of us..

    the idea is a contest but in diffrant way,

    the contest is the 3 who do 20 of 10 videos tutorial first win a construct2 license.

    ok why you guys should do this?

    1) help newers like me, for me i won't even win in this contest because i don't know anything yet (just basics).

    2)help the older to get license for construct2.

    3) help scirra construct2 to be more popular.

    * of course the videos will be in youtube with a (scirra construct2 channel) so when we just search to the channel all the videos come up it will make scirra more easier.

    hope we see more videos for scirra   <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />