zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • 1)what does this mean?


    is it all layouts or what???

    2)also why you put width 10 in array?? i didn't understood array before that why i asking.. and why u kept hight, depth to 1

  • ok here we go but see what i want :

    when player collision with (win object) it will hide the win object even if i click on the reset button ..

    here capx :http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67034121/platform.capx

    thanks for your help , i tried true ,false but somthing wrong in it.. i don't know why.

  • ok this is easy to fix .

    click on the object > then click on animation "edit" in the left side > click on the animation you want (eg. move the one that you want to make it continue moving) then see in left side there is a speed,loop...

    click on loop to "yes". and done!

    i can't imagen what you are working on so this the thing i knew about animation!

  • see alot of posts... i just want to say if you bought construct2 ( you will have a families folder) so you can put all your enemies there and just change variables and you done, you can many kind of monsters very simple with 1 variable only. good luck ^^

  • hmmm i real thing i want is that i have object (door) if my play collision with it the add a global by (1)... so i want this object destory for ever with i collision with it.

    by the way ill try your way when i wake up its too late now here ^^ thanks for help!

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  • is there a way to make somthing doesn't reset when i click restart button?

    for example i have a buttone if i clicked on it (it go to the same layer)

    so i want something if i collect then i clicked and finished the level..then i restart the level again it will be gone for ever... even if i restart with button or played the level again .. is there a way??? if need capx ill put it but i don't think it needed.

    in simple way (destory the object for ever with player collision with it).

  • hi all ! (alslam alaikom)

    ok today im just gonna hear from you :)

    i want to know some ideas for platform,but i would like to hear weird things XD

    i don't want rotating things because it won't be there.

    also i knew multi monsters.. ok but what these monsters do? skills? what...remember this platform has 1 health so one hit you die and play again.

    also if character need skills tell me..

    ill hear everything and ill do the levels but remember there will not be alot of levels so the release will be really soon about week or two weeks max !

    (university will come in two days so the working will be little slower)

    good luck to you all and to me!! and thanks for help!

  • Handi, angry bird has another way for start they made the stars with the score so example :

    1st star = 10000score

    2nd star = 20000score

    3th star = 40000score

    and the score change every level...

    but see (Cut the Rope) you just collect stars and done... the score is just for challenging or useless. ^^

    so if would say make it like cut the rope just collecting without the useless score :) people will challenging to get the 3 starts not for score

  • for real this is the best game publisher,maker,...

    its the easiest and it has a great supporters they keep updating it, listen to us...for real gamesalad is much expensive and harder,even gamemaker is harder than gamesalad.

    if i learned some more construct2 ill buy it in the future ^^

  • i would say you don't need score system if you will put the start (collect) system so i think if you do one of them will be enough.

    also put a crash effect with the car get hit it would be nice!

    and keep the good work^^

  • this you can put it with text object put it in the title page and put set text and put the things you want for example :

    "Score:"&score.score       ===>   score:29394 (example)

    the last line mean score: will be written then the score you learn as example.

  • use full screen scale mode its good when u upload but in preview its little hard Xd

  • anyone would help me?

    this capx



  • how can i put levels layout that has some unlocked levels and locked levels, and when i finish the previous level it unlock the next level or the next two levels?

  • seems the logo isn't that much good , ill try it now hope its good^^

    but need more graphics for now