ziadhorat's Forum Posts

  • I've been getting into Peer 2 Peer in C2 games as a multiplayer alternative to servers because it quiet simply is cheaper.

    However as i was translating/testing a specific prototype i noticed that it doesnt always sync.

    In this specific example if you open the game in 2 tabs, and destroy a 'crate/tree' in one it wont always sync up on the other device, however hit reg (HP reduction) works 100% of the time, can anybody pick up the error here?

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5v3nqiv07xl0x ... .capx?dl=0

    Update: The crate always gets destroyed on host, but generally (80% of the time) takes 2 shots for the peer...

  • Hello.

    As the title suggests, i have been dabbling in commercial graphical development and am looking for new tasks. I have no portfolio at this moment in time, that is what i aim to build through this thread and service.

    All i would need is a brief overview of you project, the name of your project, preferences (if any) and 2 days.

    This is entirely free, the only catch is that the logo (only the logo) may be used in my portfolio for future job interviews.

    Thank you.

  • I am very busy right now, I doubt that I have enough time for it now. Sorry

    Hi, do you have time for 3, just 3 sprites done.

    1 Running stickman

    1 Jumping stickman

    1 sliding stickman

    More cubish like than a stickman but simple 5/6 fram animations, please?

  • Hello, are you looking for a partner LaurenceBedford

  • I send you an email

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  • First off, this is no pay, at least till a month AFTER play store release.

    The game itself is a simulation esque game(Its a unique, non existent idea so i'd like to keep it quiet), most of the task has been preset and discord will be used to communicate. The game will be uploaded to the play store after first beta release for private testing, all play store costs will be covered by me.


    Programmer, nothing else, its just a code heavy game.

    We will be using C2(Desktop).

    The paid version is required but if you only have the free version then you can do prototyping.

    Now that that's said, if you're still interested email me at .

  • Now i know that the device rotation-beta function exists, but no matter what i do it always = 0.

    I just want to know if the device is parallel to the ground or not (0/90 degrees).

    Think of the charades mobile app, i'm trying to emulate that trigger.

    I have searched the forums and there's no documentation that indicates my problem.

    Note: I've only used browser preview over lan so far (with device rotation on) so if that's an issue let me know please.

  • Bump.

    Anybody please?

    Desperate asf.

  • Variables

    overlap- True if theres an overlap, false if not.

    So, can you not say that when overlapping set var overlap to true, select object 1?

    Or instead of select object 1 just use a random or whatever you wish.

  • The character in question has the platformer behavior.

    Now my issue is my map is NOT flat at all, it has a curve in the contact points every 30 pixels or so. Now this in turn causes my character to have trouble jumping because when he is 'falling' those 2 pixels to meet the next contact point he cannot jump.

    All i ask is for a way to allow my character to be allowed the Jump behavior whilst its in falling motion albeit how small.


    If you want a capx just ask, however its pretty self explanatory.


    Thank You

  • Weird but whatever

    Variables, use Instance variables and simply create a specific loop for events in whatever order.

    Or if you have preference use greater than and sort of 'order' your objects from highest to lowest.

    Variables fix all.

    A capx would be handy.

  • By rotate/orbit you could just use the rotate function if it is not the character or AI such as the sun or something?

    If you want a character to run around the planet i have a project that i'm currently working on, the capx linked below


    I'm using his source, if you would like to develop it for mobile however PM me, i have a much more resource friendly version.

  • Recommend removing third party plugins from your project and re-uploading to get help.

    I added a link to the plugin, i dont want to remove as that may as well be the cause of the lag.

  • Capx is attached above, now the issue:

    I simply cannot make it playable on a mobile device, I've tried to cut down as much on tick events and recurring events are optimized the best i can, anyone see a solution?


  • Inspired by Keystone Cops?

    Not at all actually, but i do see similarities as to why you would think so!