zenox98's Forum Posts

  • rigar

    It's back up.

  • ChrisAlgoo

    Let me play Devil's Advocate for a moment, so please try not to take offense.

    You propose a change from the developer to the current system due to you wanting to create a particular effect? How is it of benefit to everyone else?

    IMO why can't this just be a triggered change of sprite anim? That's why we can add as many animations to a sprite as we wish.

  • Martiny's example is all you need. Just look at the code and add events for Y. You shouldn't really need to be spoon-fed this after the amount of time you've been using C2.

  • The thing about a 'cut-scene' is that they can be created at any time, even after the game has been completed, and a reference to it added later.

    The most important thing is the game.

  • It is (still!) a quirk of the engine (Ashley response) and unfortunately is stating the answer.

    The best thing is to either have a separate layer with all graphics on (or per level even) or have the instance on the Layout, offscreen, and Destroy on Start.

  • Maybe try posting a simplified .capx will help us understand better.

    One thing to remember is that form elements float above the canvas, so trying to add a layer above a form element could be the problem.

    If the layer is invisible, just have it's x-position set offscreen, and re-position when needed. That way it won't be able to interact by accident.

  • Tiled has a drop-down to increase the size of the tileset.

  • Try:

    System Every Tick

    System: Set Scroll X to scrollx + clamp(LayoutWidth /2 + floor(MySprite.X /LayoutWidth) * LayoutWidth - scrollx,0-dt*scrollSpeed,dt*scrollSpeed)

    System: Set Scroll Y to scrolly + clamp(LayoutWidth /2 + floor(MySprite.Y /LayoutWidth) * LayoutWidth - scrolly,0-dt*scrollSpeed,dt*scrollSpeed)

    Where MySprite is the character that triggers the movement and scrollSpeed is a variable that you can use to set whatever speed of transition you require.

    Is this what you mean?

  • Change the Origin Point of your bar to far left.

  • I find it amazing that you don't know how to create a level, and want it to work how it did in a completely different application.

    Surely it would have made sense to try it out with the free version beforehand before purchasing it and then complaining about it not doing what you expect it to.

    At the very least, please just try a couple of the tutorials. It may ease your anguish.

  • I've tweaked it HERE.

    The reason for the massive CPU overhead was because:

    a) It was creating thousands of slices needlessly, and

    b) it was redrawing every slice when it didn't need to.

    It still has a CPU jump when a change has been made, but then settles down.

    Just compare both versions for changes.

    There's probably a much better way of doing this, but let's call this the first iteration :)

  • Thanks for the offer, and welcome to our community.

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  • Remember - there was a new release yesterday (r155) so if you haven't already, you'll need to upgrade to it.

    Just launch C2, select 'New' and choose one of the built-in examples, or even one of the templates. Tweak if you want, then go through the export to Arcade process.

    I just recently tried it (mainly because I'd never done it) and following the instructions, it worked first time for me, so fingers crossed that you'll have the same experience.

  • I think what some people have forgotten is that C2 - as it states HERE - is primarily a HTML 5 game creation system, with the added bonus of being able to target other systems.

    Unfortunately, many are blinded by the options for mobile, which, whilst understandable, is not really Scirra's fault.

  • Try searching again - you've missed a few examples, notably from R0j0hound.

    If Advanced search doesn't find anything, use Google with the 'Site:' qualifier.