Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • > The main issue Ashley seems to have with this is specifics, ie: it's specifically only useful for enemies and wouldn't have any other abstract uses. Well, what's a platform behaviour do, other than platform movements?


    Platform is for platform games.

    Enemies can be in every genre and type of games. So it needs to be more abstract I think.

    True, but the species of an enemy will always relate to an enemy, regardless of genre, and therefore should be universal to any game type really.

  • > Good to know! Gmscript looks pretty easy to understand, it's shame anything higher than that gives me sweats! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> I didn't realise it came with a built-in dialog editor, I though you needed a separate asset for that?


    Have you tried Visionaire Studio yet? Compared to Unity Adventure Creator it's even simpler, yet very flexible and powerful. 3d model characters and spine animated characters and object are also supported.

    The newest version (v5 - beta is available - download from the forum) is about to be released (physics and improved particle systems). It's the main game engine used by Daedalic Entertainment (of Deponia, Anna's Quest, Dark Eye, etc.). "Four Last Things" is a hoot to play too http://store.steampowered.com/app/503400/

    For custom things LUA scripting is easy to use. It's my favorite for point and click adventure making, and a lot of fun to work in.


    Actually, no I've never tried it! How's the interface, is it fairly modern feeling? I quite liked the tailoring of AGS, but the clunky 90's IDE is really difficult to go back to after being used to modern GUI's for so long.

  • pretty sure the algorithm is the same (A*), the implementation of it is what is different. Read the wikipedia article about A* and then think about how to implement it, im sure you will come up with more then one way, but not every way thats possible is effective. Btw the two behaviours are too completely different, while the built in behaviour also moves the objects the easystar will only calculate the path. You should try both, far better then me explaining the difference.

    Yeah, I often wonder how a* performance could be improved, if at all.

  • Yep, the HiDPI support would be nice for me as well, but it's something they're working on. Apparently it's easier to implement on Mac than Windows.

    As for Adventure Creator, it's dead easy. Basically, if you follow those tutorials, you'll be able to do what you want. You can also use Playmaker with it, as well as any other Unity plugin. You don't NEED to program with it. Even for text-based things or dialogue, you can use the Adventure Creator UI to add that, but realistically and for ease of use, it does help if you bite the bullet and learn C#.

    You don't have to go balls to the wall and learn it all as if you're programming some applications for Windows PCs. Just C# for Unity is good enough. Follow a few tutorials online, get the gist of it, and then go from there. Truthfully, there's probably a free script already written for what you'd want anyway online. So it's not like you really have to learn C# as if your life depended on it, unless you're wanting to become a developer for a studio.

    ood to know! Gmscript looks pretty easy to understand, it's shame anything higher than that gives me sweats! I didn't realise it came with a built-in dialog editor, I though you needed a separate asset for that?

  • > looking at Adventure Creator for Unity3d also


    Just in case you haven't seen it yet, this playlist helped me big time when I was learning it. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... bd7t3SgAZp

    Ahh, how did you get on with it Bleenx ? I've been dying to give it a go, but Unity scares the hell out of me. Does it require any programming? Can playmaker be strapped to it to help with visual scripting?

    I wish Unity had HiDPI support for those of us running Windows at 1920x1080 :/

  • Please fix your quotes, I did not say that, yet your post indicates I did. Thank you.

    Sorry, fixed.

  • blurymind

    Apart from one-time purchases and native-exporting to mobile, what does the "competition" have that's better at game development than C2?

    I'm just curious.

    I've mentioned, at length, the up-coming competition's features that will rival C3, but it grated on some members, so I won't repeat. Needless to say, there's many features in C2/C3's dad that will be of great interest to those looking to build more "proper" applications.

    Tom just out of pure interest, do you think the new payment model will be the solution to improving C3's competitive edge?

  • Updated all links. RIP Dropbox...

    What were they thinking??

  • I would say HTML5 games are a little more than just elaborate decoration.

    But Cryptwalker is kinda right, though

  • In the case with C2, we're just basically building a very fancy looking web-page.

    Aww, don't say that!

  • the easystar is also an A* algorithm but it is far better implemented then the built in behaviour, you can implement algorithms naivly or in some clever way, the scirra one is a naively implemented one, you can see by the resources (CPU time) it eats. The easystar plugin uses a fraction of that resources.

    Is there any particular reason why the built-in algo is worse than easystar?

  • Magistross I can dig out the examples if needed and the zips to post, unless you have them?

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  • I can't figure this out with pathfinding, I've tried finding the path and incorporating it with my example, but it doesn't really work.

  • > I liked it too! That's why I'm loathe to ever describe anything written in a visual editor as coding or lines, it's not really, it's just configuration events most of the time.


    Well, I guess everyone has their own opinion about that. For me the events are visual programming (but still a modern form of programming), a form to develop algorithms.

    The lowest coding I've ever used is PHP, but I could never sit there and write my own software with it all day long, even though I understand it to read, modify and write new stuff into existing scripts. I don't think event-driven programming can generally come to close to the same level of detail you can get with written code.

  • >

    > Well the term "programming" in the actual sense can mean many things. You can "program" your microwave and you can "program" your alarm clock. But writing code for software/hardware is also "programming" as you're programming the computer to do something (like execute all these commands to display something that you can thus interact with). What Scirra means when they say "no programming required" is that your not required to write code to use C2. Out of the box, with some simple event-based configuring, you can actually make a game very quickly. C3 is going to be pretty much the same thing as C2 with enhanced features and web based.


    I really like this statement therefore when you mention event-based configuring.

    I liked it too! That's why I'm loathe to ever describe anything written in a visual editor as coding or lines, it's not really, it's just configuration events most of the time.