Yura G's Forum Posts

  • I already had that issue, I found a way to detect iOS - it works for me every time:

    If you want to be more specific to iPhone X, look what Navigator returns on iPhone X.

  • No, no, no...

    There is much better way than just spawning blood.

    If you will spawn too many blood-objects the background will become very heavy for the memory and later for CPU heavy.

    The right way to do it, is to create canvas objects on top of the background or one canvas in a mask visibility with the shape of the background.

    Later you should spawn blood sprites or blood particles sprayers.

    Then you should use the canvas option to draw an object on the canvas.

    Two main options:

    *Draw the blood splash sprite at the end of the animation and delete the sprite. Easy and good performance.

    *Draw particles every frame, that way you will get a close effect to what you have shown on the video. May cause some lag if your device is not very strong.


    *Play with the canvas sizes and resolutions to get the best results.

    *Play with the drawing logic.

    *Don't be too CPU greedy

    *Don't forget to delete the blood objects after you draw them.

  • If you will make 1 sprite with 50 animations you will get less download size, because construct will place all the assets in the same sprite sheets.

    If you will make 50 sprites with one animation each - you will get 50 sprite sheets - longer download time.

    But making 50 sprites may be better in a manner of structure-simplicity, much easier to put each soldier in his family according to his abilities, so you will code according to families and not per separate animation cases. You may even earn in terms of performance because you will pick more specifically in your conditions.

    If I was you I'd use 50 sprites with one animation each and place them in families (soldiers (all), land, air, fast, giant, regenerating, spawning etc...)

    And later it will be much easier to add new soldiers, you will have to just add the unit in the right families and set some family variables, without touching any code.

    p.s. More over, what if you will want to add more animations to a unit. Right now you have one animation - walking, but you may want to add animations "die" and "attack"... So yeah, use 50 sprites.

  • +1

    It's true for Construct2 as well.

  • As always, thank you KYATRIC.

    Third part addons

    • No new addon this month

    WebGL effects

    • No new webGL FX this month

    Dont sure if it sad or good... ...probably it is due to Construct3 release.

  • I also was unable to find a way to drag and drop events on Android.

    It is a very crucial feature in order to organize the logic of the event sheet, it is not rational to shape the event sheet by cut and paste.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • We probably do need dedicated documentation on this...

    I would like to see that happen, I would like to read in depth article/documentation about fill rate, back to front, front to back, how Construct 2/3 deals with fill rate and about tips how to get max performance with minimum sacrification.

    As I see it now: Construct is back-to-front, so opaque object won't prevent rendering the objects behind it.

    "Force own texture" is a fillrate-greedy option that should be avoided if possible.

    Having many layers is not a bad unless you forcing them own textures.

    Nothing is rendered outside the canvas borders.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Event Editor

    ...currently it goes like 100-110-121-133-146-161-177.... and so on. I like it be 100-125-150-175-200...

    I partially disagree... The dynamic 10% zoom from step to step is much more smooth increasement than fixed 25% zooming levels.

    Fixed zooming increasements are good for pixel art games when you want to see exact pixels, but for overall layout navigation and object-placements you want a smooth zooming transition.

    And what about zooming out? 100 - 75 - 50 - 25 - 0? Hell no

    Better to have a dynamic 10% zooming, but with an option to set manually a zoom level to be able to set specific zoom levels (33.333, 50, 200, 400, 800)

  • Exporting to Steam using Construct 3


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    The majority of us silent...

    So, I think I should speak my point of view:

    First, let's agree on one thing - we love the product of Scirra that branded as "Construct". If someone disagrees, I don't know what he is doing here. Moreover, if someone not likes Construct and wants it to be better but not willing to pay - he should reconsider how the world works.

    I think nowadays people sometimes forget what is the meaning of money, or never knew what it is.

    Money is a currency for exchanging production-effort.

    Think about it for a minute...

    So, when I'm saying "Shut up and take my money", I mean that I would like to pay Scirra team for their effort and a good product.

    When I accept to pay further payments, I'm saying that I want the team to continue to improve the product, I'm investing in the future and securing the success and up-to-date-ness of Construct, and I'm securing the future that I will continue to be an HTML5 game developer.

    So, don't act like a child to expect to get things just because you want them.

    You are not special, think about others humans (Ashley, Tom...).

    Be long-sighted, invest in your future.

  • Why would you want to do such thing, If you want to have connection, you can always host a basic javascript server that relays input from one frame to another depending on a randomly generated user id, or maybe look into shared local storage, which could be your solution

    Edit: Have you tried putting two iframes and trying to set a key in one and get it in another with local storage

    Now not all devices support flash and browsers much more security-strict.

    I wanna have smart-ass popups on a page That can be loaded if needed.

    Those popups can be a range of things, from notification with fancy animations up to minigames.

    But I dont want to involve a server, it all should be on the client side.

    Thank you for your help, but sounds like you cant help me.

  • Any help?

  • You could also have multiple Canvases using Rojohound's Canvas plugin,

    That would work aswell

    No, that is not what I asked.

    I want to have multiple Construct2 projects in a page, not multiple canvas-plugins in a project.

    When I say canvas I mean html5 element that is generated by exporting to "HTML website".

    My problem is that in order to insert the Construct2 project in my page I need to put it in iframe with the index.html with the canvas (html5 element) project.

    The problem of having iFrame is that it is hard to make JavaScript to JavaScript communication (page JS to JS inside the iframe), browsers blocking that for security reasons, the communication is super limited with workarounds.

    The other way is to put the canvas directly in the dom of the page, but then we have problems to have more than one Construct2 project because there will be conflicts between c2runtime.js globals of multiple projects.

  • Hello my friends

    Does someone tried to put multiple Construct2 projects in a one page (NOT IN IFRAMES!)? With no conflicts between the globals...

    And by experience, what is the best way to make a communication between JavaScript of the page with the Constract2 project? I guess plugin have to be made...

    Thank you.

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