> >
IntelRobert or anybody,
> >
> > When I press the back button on my Android phone when I am in my Crosswalk-built app, I don't get the standard "Exit -> Are you sure you want to exit? [YES or NO] window. Instead, the app just closes.
> >
> > Is there to add this exit window? I know with CocoonJS, you got this exit window by default.
> >
> good suggestion. I'm willing to add a default behavior. but I'm not sure all users are happy with that.
If you did implement this, we'd appreciate a simple way to turn the default option on and off.
We generally create our own exit window & buttons, as we think it looks much better, and more polished than the systems generic exit window.
if there is no history of current web app, then the system behavior is to exit current activity when pressing back-key. 2 options here:
1. Pop up a dialog to users decide whether to exit it.
2. Create a toast to say next 'back key will cause activity of current app exist'.
By the way, users can also use JavaScript API to exit web apps
Track it here: crosswalk-project.org/jira/browse/XWALK-1131