Xeeko's Forum Posts

  • I did manage to get it working, at least on pc for now. Using greenworks 0.3, nw 0.10.5, and an older version of the steam_api.dll.

    And how do I get it working on mac and linux? The instructions only said "For Mac and Linux you'll need to do similar steps but putting the right resitributable file in the zip instead of steam_api.dll." What does that mean? Which folder should be zipped, and what file should go in there?

    Ashley - if you could look into Greenworks 0.5.0 which released a few days ago and added some more functionality that would be great.

    Also it seems to have resolved the issues with 0.12.1 - so it should be working now as intended with newer nw.js versions.

    https://github.com/greenheartgames/gree ... tag/v0.5.0

    Maybe I'm stupid now, but how do I install this version of Greenworks? Where do I put the files?

  • After exporting the game, and adding the steam_api.dll and changing the name of the exe, it either crashes upon start, or is stuck with a black screen.

  • Yeah, I have followed the instructions, and I downgraded to NW 0.10.5, but I can't get it to work with either the greenworks 0.3 or 0.4. I can't really wait for an update (not without knowing when, exactly it will be released anyway).

  • Hi

    I'm preparing my game on Steam, and was hoping to add achievements. I've found the Greenworks plugin, but it doesn't appear to be working. Digging around results in people suggesting different combinations of the nw framework and exporter. So far I haven't been able to get an export that starts (either a black screen, crash, or error message). I have followed the instructions on the Greenworks page.

    Basic question is, can I add achievements to my steam game, and what do I need to do?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Awesome, thanks!

  • I mean the start bar, at the bottom of the screen.

    Like this: http://i.imgur.com/8mSvAQ3.png. I want the game maximized.

  • Hi

    I want my game to be fullscreen, including hiding the start menu, after making a js export and running the game on Windows. Aka, change the resolution. Is this possible? The Fullscreen command doesn't hide the start menu.

  • I did try to search for the answer, apparently the keyword, that I omitted, was "circular".

  • I have an object I want to just move in circle, without any input from the player. How would I accomplish this?

  • Hi

    I'm trying to export a cordova build, and all I get is a black screen. I tried creating a new project, just added one sprite, and exported and when trying out the index file, it's a black screen (both local and on a server), and when opening and running it on an emulator using IntelXDK it also results in nothing but a black screen.

    What am I missing?

  • Thanks!

  • Sorry, I still don't get how to achieve the effect shown in the gif? (I'm new to Construct). I implemented the expression, but it doesn't do anything.

    I have sprite called grass, I want moving like that, what do I write, and what's the condition (I'm assuming every tick)?

  • For like your picture you can use cos() to calculate the amount to rotate. Grass directly above and below won't rotate at all, and grass directly to the sides will rotate the most. 10 degrees in the following.

    Set angle to 10*cos(angle(centerx,centery,grass.x,grass.y))

    Reviving and old post here, but this seems to be what I'm looking for, however I don't quite understand how to use that expression. When implementing it I get an error. What is centerx and centery?