Xeeko's Forum Posts

  • Xeeko

    Here is an example that matches clusters of 3 or more pieces and then applies gravity.

    It is based on an example posted by ROJOhound (flood fill) but I don't have a link to the original.

    ClusterMatch capx-

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4jH2 ... E1aV2xqZDg

    This looks like it should work, thanks!

  • Basically it's done by looping over all the pieces and flood filling to the other pieces of the same color. Use a variable to label each group and to make the pieces that were processed already.

    The only optimization is to use an array to do a piece lookup instead of picking by collision or general picking.

    Here's an example to peruse:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... match.capx

    I have tried to analyze you example the best I can, but I just cannot get it to work with anything, nor how to modify it to suit my needs. Here's the capx I'm using - https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2yce9669c21g ... .capx?dl=0

    I need the matching to happen once the icons have stopped falling, if there's at least three or more in group. I'd be forever grafeful for any assistance.

  • Thanks!

  • Hi

    I'm wondering how to do a check to see if a group of the same items are connected. Like this:

    I want the blue ones to be destroyed. I have looked at some match3 tutorials, but they don't do grouping like this, and they are insanely complicated. If possible, I need it to be as lightweight as possible, it's for the Wii U.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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    To answer your questions on performance: I have used both Construct and Fusion extensively and yes, if you want to make mobile games, Fusion is superior. The performance is just that much better, Construct can't compete at all. Not to mention how much easier it is when you export (Fusion exports a finished apk file, or a ready-to-go xCode project).

  • Two of my games are live on Steam:

    Star Sky

    Star Sky 2

  • Ah, fair point, thanks! I have updated the post with some more information about the game.

  • No impressions at all?

  • So, just wondering as I haven't seen any concrete information. What is the state of Live integration? Being able to run our games on the Xbone is great of course, but publishing is not possible Live.

  • Ah, so that is a formal demand? I haven't been able to find anything explicitly stating so.

  • Galactic Adventures Inc

    My latest project, currently in development and looking for investors/publishers:

    Video - http://galacticadventuresinc.com/PitchTrailer.mp4


    In a faraway future, the world has become a place of rampant commercialism. The population is kept spectacled by an ever-increasing media presence, and the global corporations wealth and influence is almost limitless. Segregation has widely increased, and the distribution of wealth is more unequal than ever before. The ultra-rich live a sedated life a luxury, boredom, and complacement. In order to experience excitement, extreme measures sometimes has to be taken.

    Galactic Adventures Incorporated is a travel agency, specializing in off-world travels. There are luxury cruises, organized expeditions, and for those with enough money seeking excitement above and beyond the ordinary, the red-tape travel packages.

    As a customer at Galactic Adventures Incorporated, you have signed up for a 5 jump program, meaning you are given an Explorer Sphere, a special kind of extremely durable and maneuverable spaceship. After completion of a Training Area, you are teleported to an uncharted area of space, along with a Jump Beacon, that have been placed somewhere within a random area of the Explorer Sphere. It is needed to teleport to the next uncharted area. Finding it a total of 5 times is the only way to get home, and if you do not find it, you will die in the cold vacuum of space.

    With you in the Explorer Sphere is your personal Commercially Engineered Location Explorer Supporter, or C.E.L.E.S, an onboard artificial intelligence, programmed to help you in any way possible. Throughout the travel, it is apparent that C.E.L.E.S is quite sentient and well aware of her position and purpose. She also explains that each Location Explorer Supporter is uniquely generated, with their own personality and individuality. She is bound to the fate of you and the Explorer Sphere, and will die with you, should you fail.

    Galactic Adventures Incorporated sincerely hopes that you make it back alive.

    Core game mechanic

    The main gameplay mechanic is your ship, the Explorer Sphere. The ship is able to absorb celestial energy found in nebulas, clouds, asteroids and other energies found in space. In order to make the exploration more interesting, and to present a certain amount of challenge, not all of an area can be immediately explored. Certain part, for example a nebula, cannot be entered due to the environment being to volatile. However, other nebulas will charge up the hull with an extra layer of protection, allowing the player to enter the volatile nebula.

    Each area has several possible ways to reach the Jump Beacon, as well as a number of secret areas and achievements to find.


    I currently have a demo of the first area completed, and working on the rest. Official site http://galacticadventuresinc.com although there's not much there yet. Might start a devlog if there's interest for such a thing.

    My official site, containing my other works - http://www.jm-j.com

    Let me know what you think, it's interesting to hear people's opinions and impressions!

  • Thanks!

  • I mean, just any capx, doesn't really matter. What I mean is, is there a setting or something to make objects and layouts reset after the layout ends?

  • Hi

    Ok, this is something I've been struggling with since I switched to Construct from Clickteam Fusion more than a year ago; How do I restart a layout so that all the objects return to their initial position/visibility/initial values etc? Whenever I try, for example, the restart layout event things that had become visible started as visible.

    And on the same note, is there a way to make event sheets not be global? I is super annoying not being able to just copy event folders from one layout to another while keeping the name. And in relation to the above question, how do I return a event sheet to it's original status?

  • Just joining in on the Xbox development discussion. My game is approved, and I'm accepted in IDxhg@XBox. Trying to sift through the documentation figuring out how to do the actualy publishing. It is not intuitive whatsoever, if anyone has gotten further I'd love to chat.