Xam's Forum Posts

  • Building and signing APK's locally is one thing... but what about cross platform building.

    Intel XDK was the perfect solution for compiling Cordova to both Android and iOS (even WP8)

    A big loss imho!

  • Same problem here, all my previous released apps / games exported using cordova and build using XDK are now incompatible with iOS 10.0.1

    More details on my issuse posted on XDK forum: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums ... pic/685395 (Jaap)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Same error for me, even when I use the exact same export import method as mentioned by Bilderberg.

  • The new audio feature "Schedule next play" which is available in Construct 2 r225, seems to nail this problem.

    Audio timing is (nearly) perfect on various devices (which support advanced audio)

    Thanks again Ashley !

  • Thanks Ashley for the technical explanation, I'll do some additional testing with this knowledge on various devices.

    I'm very curious if keeping the delay divisible to the current frame rate will make the ARP run (more) steady

    Really looking forward to have this scheduled playback in Construct!

  • I'm working on an update for my APP "Easy Chords Studio", in which I've build a so called arpeggiator.

    This ARP is nothing more than playing notes after each other with a certain delay (determined by the BPM)

    I'm running into a audio latency / delay issue when using the default audio plugin in Construct 2.

    (the sounds are played after very noticeble different delays instead of a stable delay)

    Basicly, this is what I do in the construct code:

    AUDIO : Play Sound

    SYSTEM: Wait 0.1875 seconds

    AUDIO : Play Sound

    SYSTEM: Wait 0.1875 seconds

    AUDIO : Play Sound

    SYSTEM: Wait 0.1875 seconds

    AUDIO : Play Sound

    SYSTEM: Wait 0.1875 seconds

    ETC ...

    Running the app in preview mode in browser sounds smooth.

    But running the APP on actual devices, things get messed up in the timing.

    (Exported the project to XDK using cordova and build for both iOS and Android)

    Logging the time difference after each play shows a quite stable playback:

    But the actual delay (measured by recording back the audio output and analysing it) varies way more.

    Delay took: 198ms (actual delay: 246ms)

    Delay took: 202ms (actual delay: 246ms)

    Delay took: 203ms (actual delay: 161ms)

    Delay took: 201ms (actual delay: 243ms)

    Delay took: 203ms (actual delay: 161ms)

    Already tried stopping all sounds after each delay, so no polophony, but unfortunatly the same result.

    And yes, preloading of sounds is enabled in this project

    Is there a way I can make, at least the delays between the notes the same?

  • Hi maordany,

    You can achief this by adding a CSS style to the textbox like this:

    [action] SET CSS STYLE

    [Property name] "text-align"

    [Value] "right"

  • I'm looking for a same sort of solution!

    When I'm loading an image from URI (camera) onto a small sprite, the current "resize" option in C2 only seems to change the dimensions but keeps the original resolution.

    So when I transfer the "resized" image back to the web server, it's still an big image while I only need a resized version.

  • Thanks, this is a great plugin, got it working on android and iOS. But I got one issue:

    Location of the google map object on the canvas seems to move (outside the current view) when changing layout.

    e.g. when I draw the googlemap object on a "sub" layout, go in the "sub" out the "main" layout and back into this "sub" layout the map is off-screen. Found out that the object stays "locked" on position when it's partly out of the canvas.

    I got this fixed by a workaround: add the pf_position_aces in the edittime.js and set the x,y position on start of the layout.

  • Hello,

    I'm currently developing an mobile application using Construct2 and importing this to Intel XDK with Cordova.

    There is only one thing that I don't know how to implement using Construct :

    Reading barcodes using the device's camera.

    I searched the forum and found some posts that this was possible using the Intel AGI or Appmobidev, but this seems to be outdated.

    (the scan barcode event does not open a new window like it does with the standard XDK code)

    Is there a way to call this XDK API from a plugin?

    http://qnimate.com/create-a-barcode-sca ... k-and-php/

    Could someone please point me in te right direction?

    I'm willing to pay for a plugin which could provide this functionality if there is no other alternative!

    Best, Xam

  • Thank you so much for this tool. I was having problems creating 3d arrays in json format by hand, I'll try it with this tool.


    Can you please explain how the excell to json tool works. I only have an convert button, where do I load my excell file?

  • Hi Guys,

    Could someone please help me out creating a simple progress circle in construct2?

    I know how to create a simple progress bar, but for my game I would realy like a nice CSS styled circle progress.

    Something like this:

    Thanks in advance!

  • If I put another version of android, I will have problems then?

    No, all versions above 2.3 should work ( it seems it is not possible to select a version < 2.3 anymore anyway)

  • Ok I think Ludei fixed it. What I did to resolve this issue.

    Check the minimal version on CocoonJS website (under projects > Settings > Android) which should be 2.3

    Recompile using version 2.0.2

    Now I'm able to upload my APK's again, Yay!

  • Same problem here

    Only with banners / advertisement or with IAP?