Xam's Forum Posts

  • Hi Guys,

    Not sure whether this is construct related or something for ludei / cocoonjs team (or maybe problem i have to fix myself?)

    I have a game which contains IAP (in app purchases) via the cocoonjs plugin that's in Construct R175.

    This works quite good but .... since 1-aug-2014 I'm not able to upload my new build APK's to google anymore.

    It reports that It's not allowed due to version 4242000 of google play-services which are used.

    It also reports that minSdkVersion needs to be 9 or up.

    Is there something i'm doing wrong or needs to be updated on my side?



  • It is working again! But it seems that my older apps compiled with 1.4.7 need recompiling while those do not show any adds anymore.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Same problem here, none of my apps are showing adds anymore

    Does it maybe have to do with Google Admob changing their policy on the 1st of august.

    When I look at the networks it states a "revenue reporting error" under admob ...

  • Thank you for this information, that is almost the same functionality i need.

    The only difference is that I need to upload an already taken picture (from phone gallery) Do you know how to do this?

  • Thank you, but this seem to only work for uploading NEW pictures which are directly loaded onto the canvas.

    The browsing for a picture and loading this onto the canvas / sprite seems to be the issue now.

    Filereader plugin is not compatible with mobile devices (using phonegap build)

    <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi Guys,

    For a mobile application I need to upload a picture from the local gallery to my webserver.

    Requesting the local file isn't the issue i can load it (for example) via filereader plugin,but how do i get the file send to my server?

    Tried also "go to URL" to HTML file on webserver which contains a FORM with FILE type POST. Then catch it with PHP, works on desktop. But on mobile devices after selecting a picture it restarts (or reloads) my app. so the POST never happened.

    "open URL in new window" don't even let me select a file when clicking on browse!!

    This issue is bugging me for a couple of day now , so I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.

    Cheers, Xam

  • +1 for me two. Please, please scirra add the reset function to the sine.

    I would like to submit my game with this function to scirra arcade :)

  • Hello World,

    I'm Xam and spend most of my spare time on creating audio/video productions (mashups/remixes and tracks) but also happen to love to be creative on other fronts as well.

    On a big Dutch gaming site they mentioned the ease of using Construct 2 for creating games. So downloaded the demo version, and two days later I ordered a personal license. Love the product!

  • This is just what I needed, thanks a lot!