Ashley Although I understand it takes time for you to provide the detailed blog posts about C3's new features, it would
be nice for people involved in the field for professional reasons to have a full list of the platform's features, instead of
receiving them slowly week by week.
You can always continue publishing fully-detailed weekly blog entries, but the current "discovery process" is tiresome
and I would even say a bit childish. If Scirra think they're still "teasing", it's not the case, it's now just annoying. Furthermore,
your way of communicating has resulted in many people posting frustrated & frustrating comments about
your pricing model and other issues.
As someone with a very large time investment in C2 (wrote a serious game engine using it), but needing a more powerful
platform for the next stage in my projects, I need to be able to evaluate my options now, not in 3 month's time. I could
then make an informed judgment about the full list of features, the cost and alternative platforms (as far as pricing is
concerned, your model is similar to that of Adobe and others - not an issue if C3 delivers true improvements).
An alternative would be a forum channel to post very specific & short (1 phrase) questions about topics not yet covered
in your blog posts. For example: My current work on C2 has become so large that it's more or less a "must have"
for me in C3 to be able to use scripting on top of the event sheets (e.g. have the ability to script code and C3 to
convert it to event sheets, as I noticed you have already planned the reverse process of converting the sheets to pseudo-code).
Thank you for any insights/feedback you may provide regarding the above topics.