wmsgva's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    The same problem I reported in the bug report which was closed. Release r227 has a problem with the Video plugin.

    I have now added two sample video files to the Capx below to prove the error.

    Attach a Capx

    Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5p5evmwbgq8m ... etect.capx

    Description of Capx

    The Capx triggers the Video.On Error, which should not happen, as it didn't previously in r221 and the videos play fine.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the Capx above
    • The On Error is triggered (browser alert)
    • Clicking on the OK button will play the videos without any problem

    Observed Result

    Video On Errror is triggered without any apparent reason and wasn't with the same code in r221

    Expected Result

    With this Capx, nothing until you press OK. With my serious game, the game throws a video error when launching

    and didn't before I upgraded from r221 to r227 (no code change in between).

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: Yes
    • FireFox: Yes
    • Internet Explorer: Yes

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 professional

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Problem Description

    Following release r227 (or those part of it, since I upgraded from last stable release, r221), the Video plugin has a

    problem with the OnError event. It triggers even without anything having been done with the Video plugin (my code worked

    fine in r221 and now triggers the error routine).

    Ticket reopened after being closed by Ashley without waiting for any feedback! Ashley, please check my reply in the report you closed, thank you.

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5p5evmwbgq8m ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    The code above triggers the Video error as soon as it is run, even before anything is loaded. It has to be this way to reproduce

    the error, as if you immediately load the video (e.g. with the System On Start of Layout), it works fine and doesn't trigger the error.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Create code above

    Run it without pressing the button

    Observed Result

    Error is triggered and browser displays error message "Error detected"

    Expected Result

    Nothing in this case, until you press OK, then video loads and plays fine.

    Affected Browsers

    Chrome: Yes

    FireFox: Yes

    Internet Explorer: Yes

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Professional 64, Sp1 latest patches applied

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Ashley, I didn't include the video files I had experienced the problem with, as I didn't think the issue was related to the files themselves. Try just using my code with two video files of your choice to see if the problem occurs or not (does the On Error trigger without anything happening or not).

    The change is due to the move from r221 to r227, as the video code in my game was working fine in the previous version (no error triggered).

    If anything has changed in the latest release due to video formats, this could explain the issue. Otherwise, it's just something not working in your code. Please therefore don't close this. Thank you.

    Whilst I understand the need to provide a Capx in many cases to reproduce the problems, in this case it was just 3 lines of code, which I had provided. Probably takes you just as much time to download them as to enter them into an empty project.

  • For those who can't read 3 lines of code and on this forum where one can't post files directly (that's why I avoided posting a Capx), here's the link to a Capx in Dropbox:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5p5evmwbgq8m ... .capx?dl=0

    Sorry for not being "politically correct", but I think some people could do with a bit of relaxing. If the issue isn't clear from what I wrote above,

    I'm rather surprised.

  • Problem Description

    Following release r227 (or those part of it, since I upgraded from last stable release, r221), the Video plugin has a

    problem with the OnError event. It triggers even without anything having been done with the Video plugin (my code worked

    fine in r221 and now triggers the error routine).

    Attach a Capx

    Easy to reproduce with the following code:

    OK Button : OnClick Video : Set video source to "videoname.webm", "", "videoname.mp4)

    Video : On Can Play Video Play

    Video : On Error Browser Alert "Error detected"

    Description of Capx

    The code above triggers the Video error as soon as it is run, even before anything is loaded. It has to be this way to reproduce

    the error, as if you immediately load the video (e.g. with the System On Start of Layout), it works fine and doesn't trigger the error.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create code above
    • Run it without pressing the button

    Observed Result

    Error is triggered and browser displays error message "Error detected"

    Expected Result

    Nothing in this case, until you press OK, then video loads and plays fine.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: Yes
    • FireFox: Yes
    • Internet Explorer: Yes

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Professional 64, Sp1 latest patches applied

    Construct 2 Version ID


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  • This report can be closed.

    For some strange reason, I tried again this morning and the problem doesn't occur anymore.

    The only reason I can see for this is that I installed NWjs RC3 yesterday and did these tests without rebooting my PC. Perhaps the installation

    of NWjs should ensure computers are restarted after installation, as this is the only explanation for the issue I encountered.

  • Problem Description

    A C2 application I use to generate XML files for my serious game and which worked fine before moving to the latest version of NWjs

    is now crashing when exported to an .exe file (works fine when running in test mode within C2).

    The problem occurs when I move to a new layout and then click with my mouse into the first Text Box. The application simply closes.

    Attach a Capx

    Can't provide a Capx as content is confidential, but as the problem only occurs on export and there's no active code behind the Text Box,

    it is not needed.

    Description of Capx

    The application contains several layouts with many Text Box and List fields which are used to generate content for an XML file.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Move from main layout to another layout
    • Click with the mouse in the first Text Box

    Observed Result

    App quits without any error messages

    Expected Result

    Nothing (just be able to type text)

    Affected Browsers

    Not relevant (.exe for Win64)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64 bit with all latest patches applied

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Verssion 221 (not sure if I need to use the latest beta versions to solve the problem with NWjs 0.13.0 RC3 ?)

  • yemi Yes, I will add more of the TC API functionality in the future. If you have any specific needs which come to mind, don't hesitate to share.

  • emkolar Well I agree with your feedback in principle, but there are situations in which it is not true.

    For example, the first plugin I worked on, an audio plugin that allows to use audio streams instead of just audio files, works fine when you export to HTML, but one of its functions (stop the audio stream currently playing in this case) doesn't work when you export the game using NW.js (the stream will not stop playing). I must admit this was a first attempt at plugins and I haven't had time to revisit the code to check why this may be happening, but the simple fact that it works in some cases and not others shows there is some cross-platform variance.

  • xanxion I will attempt in the future to ensure the plugin also works fully with NW.js, but won't be working on other platforms such as CocoonJS (some changes may however work throughout different platforms). No schedule yet however, as quite busy on my current project.

  • Does anyone know of any good reference website regarding issues/limitations with the various platforms/formats C2 can export to?

    In other words, how can one ensure a plugin created for C2 will work with the various export formats? I noticed looking at the standard C2 plugins that Scirra have had to create platform/browser specific code in many places. How does one know what issues may require such special treatment without having to test on all possible platform/browser combinations?

  • The plugin has been posted to the Completed Addons section of the forum, as [Plugin] Tin Can.

  • A plugin for anyone building educational games using Construct 2 and who needs to save learner data to a LRS (Learning Record Store) using the Tin Can API.

    Want to find out more about Tin Can? Check this: tincanapi.com/overview

    Current version of Tin Can plugin: 1.00 (24.02.2016)

    Current capabilities (1.00):

    • Connect to LRS
    • Post a statement about a learner

    All details about using this plugin are available here: securitygame.biz/en/tin_can.html

  • I have just written a new plugin which allows people wanting to access a LRS (Learning Record Store) from a game to be able to, using the Tin Can API.

    As I'm working on a serious game, this is useful to allow clients to record the progression data of their learners.

    At this stage, the plugin only allows you to connect to the LRS and to post a statement (Actor, Verb, Target), but I will be improving it sometime in the future.

    If anyone is interested in this plugin, I can post it to the plugin section of the forum.

  • Using Browser.close doesn't always work, as Kyatric stated.

    Another way that works in other cases to close the browser is to fake opening a new window and closing it, This can be done by using the following command with

    the Browser plugin:

    Browser.ExecuteJavaScript "window.open('','_parent','');window.close();"