Nice plugin. worked to play audio from the web.
I did how ever wish there was more to this plugin.
Like play loop or play once.
I had to create a loop by setting
If play loop ( compare time = play time ) on time = stop stream / play stream.
and to play once to set the play button active again.
I had to set wait time = (play time). stop stream and set button active
sure that does not seam all that hard to do. But if you have 1,000+ sounds/songs that = 4,000+ code strings to turn them on and off as there is no way to set a default on/off once the sound/song finishes.
I tried is playing and is not playing which in theory should have done this task. but no luck.
I even tried everytick is playing or is not playing, but no luck.
Any great ideas?
Thanks in advance. Jeremy C.