wertt22's Forum Posts

  • So I managed to to make a demo of realtime shadows between two cubes an a ground plane with a point light. It's using the shadow volume method using polygon clipping.


    You can drag the cubes if you click on the the middle of them. The fireflies in the shadows are from Z-buffer precision limits. The edges show sometimes as well since the shadows are offset slightly to reduce z-fighting.

    To fit it into 25 events it's currently limited to just the two cubes and ground plane. However I think I can see at least one more event I can squeeze out of it so we could have any number of cubes after some refactoring, but that's for another day. Overall it was an interesting test, but to make it simple to use in general would require a lot more work.

    Anyways, cheers!


    made it so you can add as many blocks as you want and added block color.

    nice jop!you use mesh creat everyting! real usefull!You're a math genius。

  • can we get point list (camera can see) for 3d model.and render point poly with black color to make 3d shadow ....

    use p black caculate p red

  • nice job

  • so we can make a 2d camera。。。。。。。。

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  • i mean render 3d shape to 2d sprite so we can sortzorder by Y

    and use isometric camera but the 3dlayer is always on top of 2d layer

  • it's easy on other engine. can c3 do it. so we can make game easy.

  • solved c3 giveup http.......

  • You're probably running in to the cross-domain request security restrictions imposed by browsers (aka CORS). See the AJAX manual entry for more details.

    and resolve()function is exe here

    if (request.readyState === 4) {



  • You're probably running in to the cross-domain request security restrictions imposed by browsers (aka CORS). See the AJAX manual entry for more details.

    and i think this ajax function(called resolve()) on c3 had problem it,trigger this._OnError(tag, url, err)!!!

    return new Promise(resolve => {

    const errorFunc = err => {

    this._OnError(tag, url, err);



  • You're probably running in to the cross-domain request security restrictions imposed by browsers (aka CORS). See the AJAX manual entry for more details.

    I'm sure it's not a cross domain problem. I comparing the code of c3&&c2 ajax plug,

    the error trigger by this

    async _TriggerError(tag, url, err) {

    console.error(`[Construct 3] AJAX request to '${url}' (tag '${tag}') failed: `, err);

    this._curTag = tag;

    await this.TriggerAsync(C3.Plugins.AJAX.Cnds.OnAnyError);

    await this.TriggerAsync(C3.Plugins.AJAX.Cnds.OnError)


  • but on construct2 ajax can post url to iis server,any changed for c3 ajax plug?

  • You think its possible for a project to get corrupted if we rename the file after it was created and change the extension?

    for example phtml -> php

    bc I remember doing that.... But funny enough tough...

    my new file doesnt have that kind of issue..

    so I dont know what could be causing this...

    do you solve the problem ,l have same problem like u...thanks

  • c3 need become powerful.it.real hard develope h5 tech. if you real love it. and hope c3 better to better .Please support c3 development