wertt22's Forum Posts

  • Fontforge is an open source program to create fonts. It uses svg to create the characters so you can design them how you want. It is also pretty easy to learn.

    I do want to ask, why would using Chinese Hanzi characters mean you are unable to use a spritefont? Spritefont objects allow you to define the characters you are replacing. It isn't just for English character sets.

    cause i need make add many text for my game ,Chinese had

    Thousands of characters

  • Try Construct 3

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  • i think c3 need changefor plugin developer!

    It really needs to attract more plug-in developers. They should focus on building a sirra asset store, rather than patronizing the sale of software. Rex is no longer there. Fortunately, there are authors like mikal who are working hard. What if they are all gone?

  • any idear to make Diablo like text ,not use Spritefont cause i need use Chinese language thanks

  • Releases:

    • 1.26.1 Return w/o JS error from Expression/Conditions if skeleton not loaded.
    • 1.26.0 Add per instance debug enable ACE, return w/o JS error from Actions if skeleton not loaded.

    Getting better and better, come on, we will be able to make good games

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  • Here's the api I am going to start with:

    http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-api-reference#Bone (set worldX, worldY, etc.)


    I think that's all the info I need to add an ACE to control bone position. It's on my list to do, but I have not scheduled time for it yet.

    Also FYI, I am using the spine-ts runtime with this plugin.

    thanks looks real hard ,need many time

  • rex noise plugin

  • i had read spine webgl code ,and i can.t find the api to change bone position and angle alone,there a function called updateworldtransform can update all bone , how can you find the api Ctrl bone alone.....did you edit this function so you can do it?

  • wertt22 Thanks for looking at this and your interest in this plugin. I have found ways to control the bones via Spine API, but they get reset by animation updates / ticks.

    So, I need to create a system to reset the bones to the 'override' setting after each animation update. It's definitely doable, so I will look into it, but I don't have a schedule for it right now.

    Your idea is interesting, but Spine only reads the JSON once on initialization, so changes to the JSON after a skeleton is loaded will not have effect.

    one more suggest ,on 3dengine animation translate to ragdoll State, it should be set up two components, an animation component, a ragdoll component, and switch between them, perhaps wecan set a Empty animation Used alone to control the rotation and movement of bones like ragdoll

  • wertt22 Thanks for looking at this and your interest in this plugin. I have found ways to control the bones via Spine API, but they get reset by animation updates / ticks.

    So, I need to create a system to reset the bones to the 'override' setting after each animation update. It's definitely doable, so I will look into it, but I don't have a schedule for it right now.

    Your idea is interesting, but Spine only reads the JSON once on initialization, so changes to the JSON after a skeleton is loaded will not have effect.

    dear mikal ,thanks for your hard work!i found their a way load animation only with animation code by lua, perhaps IT could use for spine webgl

    local spineAnim = cc.SpineAnimation_new:createWithFileName("role/tn_zt/tn_zt.json","role/tn_zt/tn_zt.atlas")--

    self._sprite3d = cc.SpineAnimation_new:createWithSkeletonAnimation(spineAnim)--



    the tn_zt.json is new code for only animation code ,perhaps we can read the origin animation code and edit the angle then load it

  • dear mikcal

    I know that there seems to be no API to control the rotation of the bone. I added only one bone and an animation, and only rotated the bone by one angle. I checked the JSON file and found the following code on img: can we set the set animation with parameter (angle), we can set a string variable = JSON code , and then transfer the parameter angle to load the animation. In this way, we can transfer different angles to achieve the purpose of controlling the skeleton by the program

  • China cannot connect to the server without vpn,i can.t use c3now!

  • If you design a game that is very demanding on the GPU, it will use a lot of GPU resources. This is more a general game design issue than specific to Construct since it's true with any graphics technology. For more advice see Performance tips.

    ok thanks i will use mask Sprite on gui layer to set effect only render on screen

  • may be you need change a mouse