You didn't specify if you were viewing from above (2d noise) or from the side (1d noise).
For 1d noise, you can use the same formula/function, but use a constant y value. Any number will do.
Plug in any X, and it will give you a value between -1 and 1, with smoothing applied relative to its neighbor. Divide X by a larger number to "zoom in", which will give you smoother terrain, or smaller number to "zoom out". You could use the returned value between -1 and 1 to determine the height of your ground at any given X location, for example.
If this is hard to understand, I recommend searching and reading more articles about procedural generation online. Here's another one -
It also describes 2d generation, but most of it still applies. Like I mentioned above, rather than have a number generated for every x/y position, you would fix the y to a constant and just use x. This would effectively give you a "slice" of the noise map, or a side view basically.