wertt22 Thanks for looking at this and your interest in this plugin. I have found ways to control the bones via Spine API, but they get reset by animation updates / ticks.
So, I need to create a system to reset the bones to the 'override' setting after each animation update. It's definitely doable, so I will look into it, but I don't have a schedule for it right now.
Your idea is interesting, but Spine only reads the JSON once on initialization, so changes to the JSON after a skeleton is loaded will not have effect.
dear mikal ,thanks for your hard work!i found their a way load animation only with animation code by lua, perhaps IT could use for spine webgl
local spineAnim = cc.SpineAnimation_new:createWithFileName("role/tn_zt/tn_zt.json","role/tn_zt/tn_zt.atlas")--
self._sprite3d = cc.SpineAnimation_new:createWithSkeletonAnimation(spineAnim)--
the tn_zt.json is new code for only animation code ,perhaps we can read the origin animation code and edit the angle then load it