Wishy's Forum Posts

  • can you provide your capx ?

    Here's an example:


  • Do you have a .capx where i could look at?

  • Upgrading the NVIDIA driver seemed to fix this.

  • Since today, whenever I try loading a HTML5 website or game or w/e

    After the screen is rendered completely, it turns black, sound keeps playing etc..

    But the screen is plain black.

    This happens only with Chrome 18.0.1025.151 m, Firefox doesn't give this bug.

    I've tried looking on goolge but the only solution i found was this:


    As they found a solution for ATI/AMD, i cannot find a solution for NVIDIA drivers.

  • At the moment I'm getting 15 fps on mobile devices.

    I'll be adding more and nicer backgrounds once performance is better on mobile devices.

    I am waiting for the HB C2 contest to end to start on this game again (should be today)

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  • allright, i'm happy you could reproduce this error.

    I haven't said how awesome this plugin is yet, this is gonna open a new door for app-development in C2, things like online image editors & much more !

    great work !!

  • Bingo, my Chrome was running on WebGL, forcing the project to use canvas2D in the Project Properties fixed the issue.

    I'm not sure how to change it in Chrome itself, because your example page still isn't working for me, but my example is now.

  • Everything seems to work as intended, except for the image showing.

    The test.txt is indeed showing the base64 string, but as empty image.

    If i go to your testpage and press 'save rect' and then show,

    i get http://www.liebhard.eu/c2/c2i/1.2/c2i.png which is an empty image with dimensions 208x160

    I'm using Chrome 18.0.1025.142 m

    edit: Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2 doesn't give this problem, everything working as expected on that.

    same for Firefox 11.0, working perfect

  • If you use On start of layout > Set (bg)Size to (WindowWidth, WindowHeight)

    the background will use the window's size dimensions.

    It will stretch the window in some cases, but the ratio's aren't that massive of a difference so you could resize your background to fit both ratio's.

  • I don't have sound on my Xperia X10i with android 2.35 when an app/game is exported to phonegap, hope your tutorial will fix this =)

  • Its working now, although saving a screenshot only generates a blank png with the correct width and height.

  • for some reason this is not working when i upload this to my website.

    I have used the demo files & uploaded createImg.php

    It doesn't generate the image :(

    edit: fixed it, wordpress htaccess ****** it up :)

  • Here's a little workaround:


    If you don't understand it please ask questions :)

  • strange thing is this is working in my game, but not in a freshly made file

  • I'm not sure if my method is 100% accurate, but here is how I do timers:

    1. create global variable Timer

    2. Every tick > add dt to Timer

    then for the score bit

    3. System Time = 5 | Add 500 to Score

    edit: seems like my method isn't working, i'll look into it