Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Burn't charcoal or wood is an excellent alternative to toothpaste.And the best part is that there's no fluoride in the ashes.

    but... well. how it taste like?

  • Irbis Lol yeah.Did you know that you can brush your teeth with ash?.And it does a better job than ordinary toothpaste.I should know because i live in Africa where in some parts toothpaste is a luxury.

    no way? but like an ash of wood? or coal?

    then again - i have sooo many holes in my teeths lol. the ash would propably stuck in all of them.

    life sometimes can be some damn complex =\</p>

  • Well i never gave a flying F about all those stories until...! Well, ive gotten cancer

    after looking into Death's eyes one might become quite paranoidal you know?

    but then again, paranoia doesnt kill heh.

    the problem is - as much as i can agree with fluride being harmfull, i dont have any alternative(except pure soap hah).

    its either brushing my teeths with that or not brushing at all.

    long life 21st century i suppose!


    Red meat

    lol Draven dont make me start with the red meat! after high school ive been dating a yoga-obssesed girl who claimed that you shouldnt eat "red meat" because it has animals hatered, suffering and pain within.


    ahh jesus, sorry. another offtopic comming from

  • instead of screenshots i would rather post cap file. such thing can be a result of varios things wagging from your graphics card, DirectX being messed up, event errors, effects glitching ect.

  • No it was just a very sneaky helicopter.

    like a ninja helicopter? <img src="">

    (sorry for the offtopic. ill stop now ^^)

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  • > [quote:36mky4jg]Anyways, my problem is I can't figure out how to get my player sprite to face left. It's probably really obvious,


    oh sure is, but dont worry

    in your sprite "properties" scroll down and check this:

    <img src="">

    Thank you! I even have events

    IDK maybe my DX is somehow out of date... I'll check into that. But I really don't understand why it would have trouble flipping a sprite!

    ive found the culprit.

    first change back what i have adviced you

    then go to behaviour setting and within, on the very end but before "new behaviour" is a magical "auto rotate" option. check it.

    Sorry, i havent used platformer beh that much. totaly forgoten how to do stuff ^^

  • [quote:3g27alm7]A black helicopter followed me home and now it's hiding in the bushes outside my window

    holy cow you must have a huuuggeee bushes

  • great scot! looks like Construct gains PhotoShop powers and filters! :O


  • I am a admin of my own site & i now how to behave, & you was from first topic rude "regarding my site" I send you an PM to say don't do that, & please don't make this an unplesant stay for all people scirra dude please

    i wasnt rude. i stated the fact. i have voiced my opinion and in a very delicate and gentle way JUST to not offend anybody. You have replied with a smile icon and so i though we have a nice conversation. suddenly you go e-rage over i dont know what. And PM? oh sure you have sent me a PM, here it is!:

    <img src="">

    now thats mature and polite isnt it...?

    Aside from totaly ignoring my previous post in which i perfectly pointed out the great holes in your reasoning and how you act.

    No trolling intended.

    And thats the last post from me in this "gorgeous", informative, and rich thread.

  • Probably Irbis, I'll play with it and see...not sure how I didn't notice this already.


    Its cool think of this:

    for a whole week i was trying to make a sprite object to constantly move in one direction. I tried almost all behaviours and i have skiped the obvious. Suddenly it hit me that "Bullet" is actualy something that do exactly what i am looking for... it constantly moves in one direction.

    The obvious is what we are missing most offten. Because... well, its that obvious

  • I'd like a tutorial on creating tile based the player character only moves one tile at a time like early rpgs and turn based games.

    If there is already a post/cap file explaining this please link, I can't find one.

    well theres a in-build "grind movement" behaviour

    <img src="">

    is that what you mean?

  • Well from what i know fluoride in fact is harmfull.... in the wrong proportion. In "good" proportion, it actualy makes your bones/teeths stronger and more durable.

    In my country, every child at age like 10 or something has fluoridesation treatment in school. The schools must actualy pay for it.

    But what are the "right" proportion i dont know.

    Just as i said - ive checked all the tootpastes i have in home and all of them have fluoride. But i dont know if the proportions are right.

    As i said previously all of them have "1450 ppm F" but i dont know what that means.


    I did a little research in my native language websites regarding fluoride and i must say i am safe heh. In Poland they have stoped adding fluoride to water 15years ago. But i am still not sure about the toothpaste. I never knew you cant swallow it. I mean, obviously, in common sense, eating toothpaste isnt a good idea but for it to be so dangerous? that i havent knew.

    Also from what i read, the toothpastes that has fluoride DO helps for your teeths but only till you are around 20years old. And only in the right proportions. So brushing your teeths after each meal with a toothpaste rich with fluoride is very dangerous.

    I am very sceptical in nature so i asked the question:

    "Then if its that bad, why its still in use?". And when the stake is unknown - it always is money or/and power. But if selling this legit poison benefits someone - taking out that poison from open market will also benefit someone else. Just as everything must have its replacement.

    Maybe its an attempt to take over the toothpastes market?

    As ridiculous it might sound i am quite serious.

    And i still cant learn whats the "right" or "safe" proportion of the fluoride =\</p>

  • oh should we post our "bit'ness" too?

    then Win7 x64.

  • >

    > The beginnings of an RTS, which will possibly be abandoned in light of Construct 2 and no backwards compatibility. Oh well...


    I wouldn't despair, since Construct 2 probably won't be up to the level of functionality that .96 has for quite some time.

    exactly. v0.XX was in state of development for couple of years. i wouldnt expect C2 going any near equal to it in next 6months-1year. so what? going to wait all this time? when you could have a finished your game in meantime?

  • in few rare moments like this i feel happy to live in unadvanced country such as my ^^

    the water i drink comes directly from beneth my house

    EDIT just checked my tootpastes and well. there is "1450 ppm F". is that good or bad? i dont have any idea what ppm means.

    Anyway, whats your source? Because i think i smell one of those "conspiracy theory".