VIKINGS's Forum Posts

  • LE: Nevermind Colludium , I just figured what you meant.

    I am not talking about exports here mate. I'm talking about the folder where C2 stores your project while you're still working on it(before exporting) aka the save location. I don't know how else to explain it...

    LEE: Could it be because it's a jpg? I tried the same thing with a png for another background, and after compressing that one, putting it in the project and saving it worked. I saved about 500kb on that one from 700+kb to 249.3kb as it is now.

  • Hello World,

    Ok, so I have a image that I want to use for my background. It is a jpg of 291.6kb. I go to tinypng and compress it. Now I have a jpg of 87.8kb.

    So I take this compressed jpg and put it in my project as a background image(1 frame, no animation, 640x480 size), then I save. Now if I go into the folder where C2 saves the project, what do I find? C2 has transformed it into a .png of 1.8mb!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What the **** am I missing?!?!?! Cause at this rate I won't be able to publish my game, since googleplay size limit is 50mb and C2 sadly doesn't feature a way of using expansion files.

    Thank you.

  • Event: On cake clicked

    Action: cake spawn another object

    I'm guessing that would be the easiest way, not 100% sure if it's right for what you need though.

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  • Here's a question, why don't you do that directly in your apps? It's what I plan to do... once I have more then 1 app released that is(which is where I am at the moment:P).

    I plan to just put a "Check out my other games" button/sprite in each app. If the user clicks on the button he gets taken to a layout that features all of the games I have with name, icon and a short description for each of them. And if he clicks on one of the game icons his browser will popup and he will get taken to the googleplay url(or ios url or whatever) for that game.

    Sure it's probably gonna be a bit of a hassle to update each app every time you release a new one, but I think it would be worth it, no?

    And if you want a "website" to host all of them and maybe makes announcements about upcoming titles, etc. you could always just use wordpress, which is free. Or is wordpress too simplistic for your needs?

  • Hahaha, that's perfect R0J0hound !! Just what I needed. Where you guys come up with those stuff(like cosp for example) I'll never understand.

    But it works, so thank you very very much.

    And thank you too mindfaQ , I downloaded the behavior but haven't tried it yet. For whatever reason I decided to go from end to start(I'm weird like that) so I ended up trying R0J0hounds suggestion first, and since it works I'm gonna stick with it for now.

    But I am gonna test that behavior too, and even if I don't end up using it now, knowing of it's existence is sure to prove usefull one day.

    Thank you all again.^^

  • Well, thank you for trying mate.

    Anyone else?

  • Yeah.... If there's one thing I hate in this world it's math mate!! Funny how I got into game development considering.<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> Guess that's the magic of programs like C2, hide that ugly math as much as possible!!!:P

    Sure, here's a basic capx. Things to keep in mind:

    1. You can look but you can't touch when it comes to the physics behavior. That's how it is in my game and that's how it has to stay.

    2. The rhomb can be resized and made bigger in case you need more space for whatever you come up with, but I'd really rather we not mess with the initial size of the balls. ... .capx?dl=0

  • But the angle is where the cannon is facing because it follows my arrow so?

    That is why I said replace the XX's with the values you want. In this case(if I understand you question correctly) the expression should be:

    cannonball apply physics force XX at angle cannon.angle + 90

  • Olso(from everything I've learned so far, correct me if I am wrong guys) the most important thing isn't how powerful your hardware is, but how you design your game.

    If you design your game poorly(too many effects, too big resolutions on your sprites, poor code/too many every tick events, etc.) then theoretically you can bring any pc to a crawl, no matter how powerful it is, even with a 2D engine...

  • Well, no that's not enough. After you make both of them solid you have to tell C2 what happens when the respective solid objects collide with each other.

    I suggest you read/do this tutorial. It adresses your question and teaches you other useful things too.

  • Well, I tried your suggestions j0schi but sadly they didn't work.

    The first one has 2 problems:

    1. There is no .scale as far as I can see that I can add in the expression "set scale balls.scale"

    2. While the movement part does seem to do what I want, it doesn't adress the part that once they reach the center of the rhomb I want them to expand/move back to their original position.

    The second suggestion doesn't work at all for what I want. Because if I set it like that then the balls that are farther from the center start way bigger then the rest. I need all of them to start/end at the size that I originally set them to.

    Any other ideas guys?

    P.S. Sorry if I'm not explaining it too well guys, it's the damn heat!! After every 2 letters typed I have to stop to wipe the sweat from my brow.... I can't work like this!!!:( So let me know which parts are unclear and I'll try to do a better job at explaining them.

  • Well you add the physics behavior to the object that the cannon fires(lets call it cannonball) and then you have events:

    Event : on cannon touched(or tapped, or clicked, etc.)

    Actions: cannon spawn object cannonball on layer XX

    cannonball apply physics force XX at angle cannon.angle + XX

    And just replace the XX's with the values you want.

  • Hello World,

    So lets say I have a rhomb shape on the background and then a bunch of balls on top of it outlining and filling it.

    How would I go about making those balls constrict/shink to the center of the rhomb, and then expand back to their original position from the center of the rhomb? Would this effect be applied to the rhomb shape and have the balls pinned to it, would it be applied to the balls, or how do I do it?

    Thank you.

    P.S. Keep in mind that(for other reasons) those balls will olso have the physics behavior on them. I don't know if this matters or not, but I figured I'd trow it in there just in case there is a chance that what you are about to suggest might conflict with the physics behavior, cause that one is there to stay.

    P.S.S Olso I would like that constrict/expand effect to happen ad infinitum, not just once, regardless of what happens to some of the balls(like if some get destroyed for example). I say this just in case there isn't a easy way to do it with a behavior or effect or something(like the rotate behavior for example), and in case I have to manually do it with events, those events have to loop continuously.

  • Yaaaaay, it's back!!! Just the way I love it. Shame on you Ashley , shaaameeeee.

  • Hello World,

    So this morning when I left the house everything was normal and beautiful. When I came back and decided to check the forums some more(refreshed the page) I now noticed it has changed!!!

    Please tell me there is a way to revert back to the way it used to be!!! Beside the fact that this new look is aweful and buggy as hell I olso have OCD. And one of the problems people with OCD have to deal with is that we really can't suffer change!!!

    If I won't be able to revert back to the old look then I'm afraid eventually I'll have to stop using the forum altogheter.... And I really don't want that to happen, it would be disastrous!!

    I don't think I have any pics with the old look(maybe from now on I should start taking screenshots of all the sites I use just to be sure) but here are some screens with the new look so you can see what I mean:

    Please help. Thank you.