VictoryX's Forum Posts

  • It was a formatting issue, Construct doesn't accept a proper JSON but it' own modified JSON. It took a bunch of testing but I was finally able to get the PHP to spit out the JSON in the format construct likes. It was just difficult because the copy/pasted text format of a JSON is different from the raw JSON it expects.

  • So I have a database set up that stores user information. I'm using AJAX to request that information which comes back to me in the form of a JSON. I need to take that JSON and populate a dictionary object with it.

    My Code

    On Start of Layout -> AJAX: Request "http://mywebsite/JSONInfo.php" (tag "load")

    AJAX On "load" completed -> Dictionary Load from JSON string AJAX.LastData

    I can take the JSON that is being returned copy and paste the text into the Dictionary Load from JSON string and it works fine. But when I use AJAX.LastData it fails. I tried storing the AJAX Data into a variable and telling the Dictionary object to load the variable and still nothing. I also tried putting the JSON into a text object which worked then tried telling the dictionary object to use that text and still it doesn't work.

    So I don't understand why I can copy/paste the data into the dictionary and it works fine. But I cannot put the data into the dictionary using any other means.

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  • Thanks for the post. As far as the first link goes the math is over my head. If someone understands it and could break it down for me that would be awesome. As for the second and third links they seem to be working with cube objects exclusively. My current setup works with cube objects, what I'm having trouble with is oddly shaped objects.

  • So I'm having a bit of a problem with Z Ordering when it comes to an Isometric game I'm working on. For the most part it is working, but I have issues when interacting with certain shape objects. Such as objects that are long and on a diagonal or objects that aren't shaped like a box. Right now I'm using a ZOrdering based on the Y of the player and the buildings. Does anyone know of a better way to do this, I figured If I knew Trigonometry maybe there would be a solution, but I don't. I'm looking online for other solutions and if I find one I'll post here.

    The Player is the red cube you can move him with the arrow keys.

    .CAPX ... Order.capx

    I have some plugins in my Construct, but I'm not using them in the .capx, so hopefully it should open.

  • I figured it out I had an image called "Advertisment" LMAO the ad blocker was blocking that file from being downloaded which stopped the game loading. So if anyone else has that problem that may be your issue.

  • It seems my game is being blocked by an Ad Blocker, and I have no idea why. It is a fairly large game, the export comes in at 51 MB. It doesn't seem to block my other games of a smaller size even though they both contain the same types of files, Images, Video, Audio, AJAX, etc. But my other games have been on a much smaller scale. Basically with the Ad Blocker enabled the game will begin to load then the loading bar goes red and fails. Obviously this is an issue as I need people to be able to access my game and with a growing number of users, using Ad Blockers it cuts off a big base of players. I could have a disclaimer telling people to disable their Ad Blockers, but it's the internet and nobody trusts anyone so again I'm cut off from a large base of players. Has anyone else run into this issue? The Ad Blocker I'm using is Ad Block Plus via Chrome.

  • Your collision polygon is animating poorly on the bottom. Two ways to fix this is make sure the bottom of the collision poly is always flat on the bottom (not rounded as it is) or create a square invisible sprite. Apply the platform behavior to the square and pin the player to that square so basically the square is the thing moving around you player is just stuck to it.

    fixed .cpax attached

  • If you have events that are taking mouse and touch input they can mess each other up. To fix it select the touch object in your object list to bring up the properties and un-check Use Mouse Input. Other than that it is as simple as Jobel as said.

    Assign the object a Boolean Instance Variable.

    Then in the events do an On object touched-Toggle Boolean.

    Run in Debug with the object selected so you can make sure the Instance Variable is being toggled. It should be switching from 1 to 0.

    If that is working you know the touch events work.

    All else fails upload a .capx to a dropbox and share a public link so people can take a gander at what is exactly going on in your code.

  • I've used variables before for the ending position with the same result. I mean a variable is just a container for a integer , string, float, or boolean. I don't understand how using a variable number would cause it to work differently.

    I'm guessing they are meant to be used as a sub-event under a trigger once event.

  • I'm having trouble understanding the for loop logic in Construct. I've looked at the manual, tutorials, other forum posts, other .capx and I'm still confused.

    The way I understand it is you make a for loop give it a starting number and a ending number once the loop runs it increments the index and once the number reaches the end point the for loop should stop. But it never stops it just runs forever.

    The only way I've been able to get it to stop is to run it as a sub event under a compare two values event where I compare the index is less than a set number. But if I have to do that I don't understand the purpose of the beginning and end numbers in the for loop. If I'm having to run an outside comparison to tell it to step.

    The ORIGINAL block of code is setup how I think it should work.

    The FIXED block of code is the only way I've been able to get it to work.

    Does it have to be nested in a trigger once event like on Start of Layout?

  • It was fun to play. It would be nice if the Skull pop level had some more going on. Such as obstacles, enemies or something to dodge to make it more difficult.

  • New build is up I nixed the grapple idea it just doesn't work well with the gameplay as it is right now. Maybe I'll re-enable it down the line. Added a two new levels there are 12 in total now. Also implemented Web Storage so if you close the browser and comeback it should bring you back to the last level you are on and keep track of your deaths. Will probably add a level select next and some sort of pause menu. I also recently hired on an artist to do some pixel art for the game so hopefully later will builds will look more appealing.

  • Been making some changes and working on changing the controls and implementing a grappling hook element. So the gameplay may be broken for a bit. But still enjoyable I think.

  • Thank you for the input. Worked great.

  • Is it possible to mask a sprite with another sprite? IE I have text scrolling across the screen and only want it visible in the bottom right corner in a box. Is it possible to mask out the scrolling text so it is only visible where the box is?

    Capx ... icker.capx