VictoryX's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Ryan. I added a couple new levels there are 9 in total now. Also added a Title screen as well. Put in some new obstacles that will hopefully make the game more difficult as it progresses. So far I've been able to beat with dying 6 times. That damn tiny mover level is rough for me, maybe I can reorganize the levels as the difficulty seems to really spike on that level.

  • Save The Princess is a plat-former inspired by Super Meatboy!

    Made for fun and giggles it is only 7 levels of length so far. Just trying to make a fun and challenging game with few art assets.

    Will update as more levels are added. ... index.html

  • Problem Description

    A INT variable with the value of 11111... that is 16 digits in length or higher does not post properly with a string attached.

    A INT variable with the value of 11111... that is larger than 16 digits doesn't store properly.

    Attach a Capx ... ength.capx

    Description of Capx

    Contains 4 variables of the value 1111... repeating in differing lengths 15,16,17 and 18.

    Contains 4 groups with two types of displays a straight Set Text to Variable and a Set Text to a String+Variable that update every tick.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create an INT variable with a value of 1111....repeating in any length greater than or equal to 16.
    • Create a Text Object
    • Set the text, using any type of event, to "String"&variable

    Observed Result

    ____ The variable flop16 posts as 1111111111111111.1

    ____ The variable flop17 stores as 11111111111111110

    ____ The variable flop18 stores as 111111111111111100

    Expected Result

    ____ The variable be posted as it is stored, and be able to store a repeating 1111.... past 17 digits in length ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 8 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ r200 Construct 2 Built at 14:47:58 on Mar 16 2015____

  • I have a variable "flop" it's a global number variable with the value as repeating 1's with a 16 digit length. "1111111111111111"

    I goto display it to the screen via a text object called "Display".

    So it's set up like this in the event sheet.

    Every Tick -> "Display"-> Set text to "CC: "&ccn

    With this code the number displays as "1111111111111111.1"

    However if I do it this way

    Every Tick->"Display"->Set text to ccn

    It displays the number as intended "1111111111111111"

    I don't understand why adding a string before the number variable would cause it to turn into a float all of a sudden and tag an extra .1 to the end of the number. Has anyone else run into this problem or is there something obvious I'm looking over here?

    I've done some testing and if the length of the "11111..." number is equal to 15 it works fine. If it is equal to 17 it tags a 2 at the end instead of a .1

    So it seems like it has something to do with the length of the number and the way it is being displayed?

    Also I've checked in the debugging that the variable is in fact the right assigned value. It never changes value while in the debugger that I can tell.

  • -Serious Input Delay: I'm not getting that on my end at all whether previewing in Construct or using the link provided. If you can give more details as to what input is delayed I'll look into it.

    -Hotspot: All the frames are the exact same size with the origins in the same spot. Maybe He is not dead center in every frame? I'll recheck in Photoshop to make sure he is dead center of every frame.

    -Run backwards- When I play MMX I can run backwards, so not sure why you shouldn't be able to with the keyboard.

    -Linear interpolation: I'm not really sure what you mean, could you clarify please.

    -Wrong Charge: I looked for awhile to find the proper graphic, but couldn't find it so used what I had. If you can find the proper charging sprite sheet then I'd be more than happy to swap it out.

    Everything Else: This is meant more as a learning tool for people who want to make side scrolling shooters in the same vein as MegmanX. The fact that an animation might not be 100% correct,or that a Jump and fall animation isn't the exact timing as the real game is not an issue to me.

    Thanks for all your input and I'll get to work on some of the issues you mentioned.

  • Next update will probably be incorporating the medium charge shot, dash, and wall jump.

  • Somehow the folder got deleted T_T. Back up and working now, sorry about that.

  • So due to the fact not everyone will have an Xbox 360 controller to plugin. I've now modified the controls to accept Keyboard and Xbox Controller Input. Which adds a nice bit to my Tutorials series about 'OR' blocks and supporting multiple inputs for games. So now the game should work as intended whether using a Keyboard or Xbox Controller. For a list of controls pleas see original post.

  • The game works with and Xbox 360 Controller only. It is not keyboard compatible. A few things may work with keyboard, but not everything. I'll look into slowing him down a bit see if I can't match the movement better.

  • PROJECT: MegaMan X Clone

    PURPOSE: One stop shop video tutorial series on creating a side scrolling shooter.

    TLDR: This is going to be a full blown MegaMan X clone, all for education purposes. I will be recording tutorials as I create this game piece by piece. Once the game is finished I will be uploading the videos to Youtube. I will also be making all the assets used and CAPX available for download. I know alot of people, specifically new users to Construct want to make a MegaMan X quality game. The information is out there, but it's currently fragmented into tons of forums posts, tutorials, and manuals. I plan to create a single video series that covers everything that you may want to do in a side scrolling shooter, all available in a single place, all assets, and all code ready and waiting for you.






    Run & Gun

    Charging Your Shot

    Wall Jump


    Camera Moves

    Pause Menu

    Enemies of differing varieties

    Boss Battles

    Inventory System

    Health System

    Saving & Loading

    XBOX Control Integration

    Gameover Screens

    Layout Transitions

    These are a few of the things my tutorials will cover and will expand as I work.







    Here I will be updating Screen Shots. The latest build of the game will be available below. This game is currently set up for the Xbox 360 controller and Keyboard input.


    XBOX CONTROLLER: D-PAD to Move, A to Jump, X to Shoot.

    KEYBOARD: Left, & Right Arrows to move, X to Shoot and Z to Jump.

    GAME: ... index.html

    Currently I'm hoping to get feed back on the controls. How they feel if they are to slow, clunky or don't match up to the actual MegaMan X.


    2/14/2015: Included the charge shot system. Adjusted movement speed and jump height. Fixed buggy control code.

  • I haven't made any progress on this and was hoping someone out there has figured out how to store the Facebook User ID into a variable upon first login.

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  • I've tried it with, On User Log in and Is user logged in still keep getting NaN on the first login. I even tried creating a variable LoggedIn = 0. And upon logging in it changes to 1 and then having another event that says if LoggedIn = 1 then set FBUserID to Facebook.UserID. Still get a NaN result. I've also tried setting it up so that EveryTick FBUserID = Facebook.UserID. That doesn't even work so it's like the User ID isn't even being passed on the first log in whatsoever.

  • So I have a Facebook log in on my game. it allows the user to log into my game via FB and stores their information into different variables. So the information I'm currently trying to retrieve is their name and User ID. I can retrieve the name, store into a variable, and display the name via text object no problem. However when i try to store the User ID and display it all I get is NaN. Now if I refresh my game then the User ID will show up fine. But on the first Log in the User ID always comes in as NaN. Anyone else have this issue?

  • Pinco you are the man or woman, this plugin is a life saver.

  • So after much searching I came upon this amazing plugin for an Advanced Textbox object. It really is extremely helpful and suggest you give it a download if your project contains textbox object. Huge thanks to Pinco for this amazing help!

    Link to the plugin:

    Other than the normal textbox properties, this one provides also:


    • Background Color: allows you to pick a color for the background.
    • Transparent Background: allows you to disable the background color and have a transparent background.
    • Font: allows you to choose the font to use (like for the label).
    • Font Color: allows you to specify the font color.
    • Borders: allows to toggle the text box borders. If disabled it also remove the border highlight that certain browsers (like chrome) adds to the text input areas.
    • Top/Bottom/Left/Right Margin: allows to specify the distance in pixel that the text should keep from the margins.
    • Horizontal Alignment: allows you to customize the text alignment.
    • Select all on focus: if set to yes, when the textbox get the focus will select all the text inside.


    • On Focus Gain: triggered when the textbox has the focus.
    • On Focus Lost: triggered when the textbox lose the focus.


    • Has Focus: return true if the textbox has the focus.
    • Validate: return true if the textbox content is valid (based on the content type selected).


    • Set Web Font: like for the text object, this allows to use webfonts on the textbox object.
    • Set Background Color: change the background color for the textbox object. It accepts the following color formats:
    • "rgb(0,0,0)": rgb function (remember to always use the quotes)
    • "#FFFFFF": hex color value (remember to always use the quotes)
    • "transparent": string color name
    • Toggle Borders: allows to enable/disable the textbox borders.
    • Scroll Top: scroll to the top line of the textarea.
    • Scroll Bottom: scroll to the bottom line of the textarea.
    • Select All: select the whole content of the textbox.
    • Append Text: append text at the end of the currently existing one.
    • Append New Line Text: append text at the end of the currently existing one in a new line.


    • TextAfter: Get the text after the caret text box's text.
    • TextBefore: Get the text before the caret text box's text.