VictoryX's Forum Posts

  • So im getting into arrays and after looking at some stuff online I found something to spawn a bunch of boxes in a row from an array. Sadly though whenever I run it, it just spawns the boxes all on top of each other.

    Any ideas of what im doing wrong here??

    EDIT: The issue has been resolved and the .capx linked below updated if anyone cares to check it out in future. Thank you for all the help!

  • So it's been a bit over a year and I finally have free time to continue this project. Below you will find a link to the .CAPX of where I left off if you'd like to fiddle with it or have ideas for streamlining the code. Ill post again once I've made some more progress. ... manV1.capx

  • Use Google Sheets, you can export the data as a JSON and load that JSON into a dictionary object. It can take some time to get the formatting correct for the JSON, but once you do it is supremely helpful. That way if you ever want to change questions or add question you can edit your excel sheet export the JSON and replace the old JSON on your server.

  • Did some more work on the character select and I think I got it working now as it should. Sadly as I said before I only have two Gamepads so I can only test with 2 players. I still need to go through the code because I'm sure there are some inefficiencies in there and probably some redundant stuff. Once I get it all the code working tip top and looking nice i will post a .capx for anyone else wanting to do this.

    Added Character Previews

    Selector now goes back to the beginning if you press right on the furthest right character. Vice versa for left.

    Added Sounds

    Fixed some buggy crap

    Same link above still works, may have to refresh a few times if you opened it before to get the most up to date version.

  • Create BG Scroll box Image the size of the area you want your image to appear.

    Create your FG scroll image, the image that will be scrolling.

    Put them into a new layer and set the layer Force Texture to Yes

    On the FG scroll image set the blend mode to Source Atop

    For the FG scroll image add the behavior drag and drop.

    In the drag and drop settings set it to Horizontal only.

    If you want it to only scroll so far left or right.

    Set events that say if FG Scrol IMage X is > than Far Right number than set FG Scroll Image X to The furthest Point right.

    and Vice Versa for Left

  • Layout

    Add a File Chooser Object

    Add an Empty Sprite

    Event Sheet

    On File Chooser Changed - Image Sprite - Load Image from FileChooser.FileURLAt(0)

    Select Resize Sprite to Image if you want.


  • You could also put all the sprite objects in a Family and change the Opacity for the Family.

  • Hola everybody, so I'm currently working on a 4 person brawler game in the same vein as super smash brothers. I wanted to create a character select screen where multiple players can select their characters all at once. It's still a work in progress but I think I'm getting close. I need to get more art assets loaded in. All the art I'm using now is just placeholder temp art to get the code working. ... index.html

    Currently this only works with the Gamepad and was coded specifically for Xbox 360 controllers. Not sure how it will work with other gamepads. Would love some feedback on the response of the menu and how other gamepads work with it.

    Right now it is just press Start or A to join in, then use the d-pad to scroll through characters and A or Start again to select a character. That's about all it does at the moment.

    I have yet to test with more than two gamepads at once, since I only have two T_T. I will be testing 3 and 4 pad features tomorrow hopefully. And getting the rest of the character selection done.

  • You have to realize Layers although empty do contain information. So if you have a ton of them it is going to eat at your processing power. When you create a layer it basically creates an image the size of the layout. Transparent or not it is still there in memory. So every time you add a layer to a 1280,720 project it's like adding a 1280,720 image. At least that is how I understand it.

  • So you would create a Save Function, within that would be what you are storing to local hi-score, level, gold etc. Then you could do a Every X seconds or when a checkpoint reached call function Save.

  • I really like your solution. i'm going to work it into my project and mess with it a bit see if I can get it working the way I want. Thank you very much. I'll post again once I get it going.

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  • So I'm working on making a 4 Player battle arena in the same vein as Super Smash Bros and Duck Game.

    Duck Game

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Basically where the camera zooms in and out based on the distance between all the players. I've seen a couple of things on how to do it with only two players. The ones I saw though weren't really translatable to a 4 player game and all the zooming had the level zooming out to the far left corner and not keeping things centered.

    Anyone have any ideas on how something like this might work?

  • I used to work in 2D to 3D conversions for movies. We would create depth mattes, a black to white image, to create the stereoscopic image. So I'm able to see differences in shades of black,grey,white more so than your average person I think.

  • For me the game was fairly easy. I made it through only dieing once or twice. This is because the color of black you choose for the BG and the color of black you chose for the geometry are two different blacks. So I could see the entire level layout without having to die at all. I do however LOVE this concept!