vandinz's Forum Posts

  • I know you're here to make money but really disappointed we can't use more than 2 effects. Up to now I've not felt restricted with the free version but I feel it now. Suppose I'll have to buy the full version. I ain't got the money but I've got game ideas coming out my ar*# so I need it!

    Well played lads, well played. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks for that Fimbul, looks like its exactly what I'm trying to achieve. However I always like to learn from my mistakes so if anyone can still point out what I did wrong in that caps I'd really appreciate it. Still learning how construct works with regards to running order of events and conditions.


  • Can anyone have a look at the new CapX for me? I've no idea why it won't register the collision! I know it's a mess, again it's a test program while I figure things out but I want it to check if the red sprite has collided with the black tile, and then check if there is a neighbour.

    If I remove one of the conditions from the event it will register, as soon as I have both, it does nothing. Any idea?


  • I managed to sort my issue by just making the collision mask of the blocks a small square in the middle of the sprite and checking for a collision 32 pixels away rather than 16.


  • Weird, I'm working on the same thing (just started) and I'm having trouble with collision at offset too. I can get it to work but only if I put a 1 pixel space between the blocks, as soon as they touch it all goes belly up.

    Here's the cap I'm testing with to show you better. Ignore the two blocks to the left and right, like I say, it's a test capx. The main bit are the sprites (can't use collision with tiles :( ) the number is generated depending on what blocks surround the black one in the middle. One above add 1, to the right add 2, beneath add 4 and to the left add 8.

    If you move the blocks so they're flush against each other the number isn't calculated correctly. Anyone got any idea what I'm doing wrong?


    CapX file

  • That worked a treat and without much change to the current method! Thanks very much :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • BTW I do know this could result in multiple jumps instead of just two, but I'm toying with using that anyway. I need to test it first when I get it fixed.

  • Hi. How can I produce a double-jump action in a platformer? I'm using the platform behaivour with the NONE default controls. I set up the action below in the picture which I assumed would work, but it doesn't. Any ideas why? I've seen one method for double-jumps using a variable but it means I'd have to change the jumping method I use atm which I'd rather not do.

    Any help appreciated.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I get an error when tryin to play it. :( Not the game, it's just not there to play (server issue?). Anyhoo, the fact you've involved your son and worked on it together is great and proof Scirra could be used in schools for other kids to enjoy!

  • Good job! Need a small delay when the player dies and respawns in which the player is invulnerable. Apart from that, spot on. ;)

  • Like this

    SYSTEM - CREATE OBJECT(SHIP) at floor(random(0,640),random(0,480))

    This will create the ship you want to spawn at any location across or down the screen. The (0,640) tells Construct to pick a random number from 0 to 640 (saying your screen is 640 across, you obv change that number if your screen is smaller or larger). The same for the Y coord.

    When you get the section that you normally would just enter the X and Y coords of a created item you just type in what I wrote above. FLOOR and RANDOM are not something you can click to select, you must enter them manually.

    When Construct creates a random number it's a floating point number so it would be something like 1.23 for example. That's no good to the coordinates so you use FLOOR to round the number down to the closest Integer. So 1.23 would round down to 1. Hope this helps.

  • Don't know if people already use this but I've only just found out about it. It's called GXSCC and is a free program that takes in MIDI files and plays them in an 8 bit style.

    You can get the program from here

    If you need MIDIs then try which has plenty to use. Of course you can't use these in commercial games, you'll need permission for that, but there are people out there offering free music to use, just search about.

    Here's a vid of some output from it.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Hope this is of some use to anyone :)

  • Aaah yes! I never thought of local variables. I owe you one, cheers!

  • Hi, I need the enemy in my platformer to patrol certain platforms, just walking left to right. ATM I've set it up so that if they hit an invisible sprite to turn and change directions. Problem with that is I need to set up events for each individual sprite (or else when one touches the blank sprite they all change direction).

    It doesn't seem to be very proficient so I was wondering if there was another way of doing it? We had way-points in CC but none in C2, they would be ideal.


  • UPDATED - Added the score and time bonus. Bonus counts down from 100 and is added to the score when you complete the level, so the faster you are the more you score.

    Really not happy with the spikes that pop out of the ground so I'm looking for a way to either change how they work or scrap them for something else. Also added a title page which I'll probably change in the future for something better.

    I know this might sound weird but the collision detection is too good for what I want! It's pixel perfect and doesn't allow for any errors. Like I say it sounds weird but I'm looking to make the game a touch more forgiving. Any ideas on how I can achieve this, or, do you think I should leave it as-is?
