Here's a platformer I'm creating. Not for money or anything, just a project to give me something to do. I've "borrowed" the cat sprite and the music but the rest is all my own work.
I'm after ideas for variaty in the game. ATM you have to pick up ALL the stars for the exit to open so you can get to the last level. There's only 3 levels atm.
There's no score, or lives implimented yet either and there are plenty of bug and minor things I want to change / add / take out.
Left and right cursors to move, space to jump. As I mentioned collect ALL the stars on the level to open the next level (the block with the downwards arrow is the exit, all this will become clear as I add to the game).
Anyway, let me know what you think and any ideas you might have I could use.
Oh, one more thing. The name is a play on words (really annoying cat) and the music can be turned off my pressing M (trust me, it's a life saver)).