vancouver's Forum Posts

  • FragFather

    Wow, this is awesome!

    Thank you for showing me how to make this kind of app.

    What would be the best way to attach one unique sound to each of the colored blocks?

  • FragFather,

    first of all, THANK YOU for helping me!

    I will need to upgrade before I can open it because I am using release 168 and you seem to use 170.

    The other day, I used a pre-release and had trouble saving because there was an issue with minify.

    Anyway, I will upgrade for sure because I am curious to learn what you have made.

    Again, thank you for working on this,


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  • Hey,

    I found a file someone uploaded and tried to add more content which would snap to 15 different locations.

    I copied the events (of red) and changed the names accordingly but the new objects all snap to the same block and ignore the other ones.

    I want to learn how to implement this feature and hope that someone would be able to point me in the right direction.

    The final goal is to have 12 different colored blocks that can be snapped to any of the 15 locations.

    Thanks for any hints and advise which helps me to do this. - V

  • I just replaced another Flash app with a C2 made HTML5 equivalent (YAY)!

    "Smart Notes" is, by design, a very simple app which teachers young children the note names.

    Once I am caught up on other stuff, I might add more sounds so that the kids can also hear what the note sounds like.

    For now, they just hear the note name.


    Direct link:

    Please keep in mind that this app is for our music students who are 4 - 6 years old.

    C2 is amazing! - V <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • zenox98,

    thanks for that info!

    For some reason, I unplugged the external HD and the monitor and guess what? The thing booted finally.

    Yesterday, I tried normal mode, safe mode, nothing worked.

    Fingers crossed ....

  • Confession: I am a Mac user but have a new MSI laptop running windows 7 which I use for AutoCAD, SolidWorks and a few other weird apps AND, since a few days C2.

    After rebooting just earlier, I can no longer log in because the boot process hangs at the welcome screen.

    My question is:

    Can I just install C2 and license on an old HP desktop (which I haven't used for a while) just so that I can keep learning C2?

    Are there any license issues?

    I expect my laptop to be in the repair shop for at least two weeks (because computer repair people are lazy).



  • Thank you helena,

    Your suggestions open up a whole new way to approaching my colour issues.

    I will make a little sample app to see what it looks like. Getting the colours right is very important for my apps.

    As soon as I have the snapping implemented, I will re-visit the colouring of the keys unless I switch to images (but I'd rather keep the file size down).



    P.S. Your website looks fantastic. I love your work!

  • Thank you eli0s!

    You've already helped me a lot and I am glad that you saw the concept ... how it works, etc...

    Yes, I am changing the BG right now plus a few other things like I've already mentioned.

    The plan is to have a handful of HTML5 alternatives for those visitors who can't access the Flash content.

    I am glad that you like the trumpet. Kids just LOVE it. It's the first instrument they pick. It is available for the iPhone and iPad and still gets some downloads (after over 3 years in iTunes which is why I am so excited about C2.

    We'll talk soon and stop by once in a while. There will be a lot of new content posted throughout this summer.

    Again, thank you for your encouraging comments. They made my day!

  • Hello again eli0s,

    thanks for the linking tip.

    My main site is: (if that gets removed, just copy paste " "

    From the main menu, click on > PLAY and from the drop-down menu select "Play" once more.

    This would be the full link:

    Tonight, I am adding the snap to box feature and maybe change the background back to white so that it matches the Flash app a little better.

    I love C2 and wish I had discovered it earlier! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hello sanisy,

    I will try this later this week because I have a members only portion of my website running on WordPress.

    The way to go is iframes.

    If you would like to read up on iframes, check out this link: ... d-iframes/

    Have fun,

    V <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hi diogomuller,

    I just bought my license but still don't have enough points to post a real link so you'll have to copy paste a little.

    My goal is to replace the Flash apps asap and then add in the missing features (as I learn more about C2).


    V <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Alright!

    Installing the last release and re-creating the app worked and I am very happy with the result.

    I hope to implement the snap feature next ....

    Too bad that I can't post a link yet because I'd love to get a little bit of feedback to see what you think?

    It's been a loooong day .... but I accomplished what I wanted to.

  • eli0s, I just exported without minifying which works.

    Anyway. I am happy with the progress. I am confident that I can replace my Flash apps soon which is why I am trying out C2 in the first place.

    I'll bug you later

  • Yeah, I can't export.

    The msg says:

    Check failure! Minifier did not output a file ....

    Anyway, I probably will have to uninstall this beta, install the latest release and try again.

    If I works, I will buy a license and the rest will be history!


    If I uncheck "minify", I can export ....

    So far, I've exported about five builds successfully but I think t hat was before I installed the latest beta.

  • I'm almost there....

    Unfortunately, C2 crashes during export which is probably because I've installed the latest beta the other day to open a file someone made.

    Anyway, I have the app "ready enough" to be useful.

    Soon I will be able to post links and then it will be much easier to give advise.

    I just restarted the PC. Maybe I will be able to make an export ... will see.