Vallar's Forum Posts

  • Oh dear, I haven't read that correctly... my bad. Sorry about that.

    You've solved a crucial problem I have been having, thank you very much!!

  • How do you check when the timer expires? There is only On Timer Start condition and it can't be inverted. Also if you add that, you can't put an Else to try and work around it.

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  • Hello guys,

    So I have been hitting a wall recently trying to create a Quick Time Events system similar to that in Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit in some countries) or Tomb Raider.

    For those that don't know either games, basically what I want to do is create a fighting scene between the player and the NPC but the player has to press a certain button at a specific time within a time frame to be able to proceed in the sequence. If he fails, he has to do the sequence again.

    I have searched through the forums but nothing seemed relative then I searched all over the internet and nothing seems to be relative either.

    Anyone knows anything about this?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • Ahh, got it. Sorry I didn't see you edited your post a 2nd time. I hit post too quickly as it seems.

    Thank you very very much for fixing it and for linking that

  • OK, I tried something else.

    I tried condition:

    Event 1 = Mouse Left click on Sprite & dialogueStep = 1 > Move to animation frame 1

    Event 2 = Mouse Left click on Sprite & dialogueStep = 2 > Move to animation frame 2

    Event 2 = Mouse Left click on Sprite & dialogueStep = 3 > Move to animation frame 3

    Still doing the same thing on 1 click only. How can that be when if I click ONCE the only event true would be the first one and the second one won't be true because the click happened once not more than that?

    Wouldn't it check all 3 every click? And see which condition is true execute it and then wait for another click?

    That said, I didn't understand what you mean by make it an else system event. Sorry.

  • Done, same thing. No change what so ever.

  • Hello,

    I have been trying to come up with a way to create dialogues as easy as possible and without too much hassle. I came up with a way that I think might actually work well but the problem is that something is wrong (I am probably doing something stupid but I couldn't figure it out for the past 2 hours).

    The way the .capx is setup is that when you move within 50px of the NPC sprite (red rectangle) and click on it, another sprite (which supposedly would be a sprite that contains the dialogue) appears at the bottom left of the screen. When you click once on that new sprite it changes animations (it is a subtle change). There is a variable inside the sprite called dialogueStep that increments by 1 every time you click.

    Problem is, when I click once on the sprite it sets the variable from 0 to 2 without first doing 0 -> 1. At first I had it setup to "add to value" but then thought that might be the problem so I changed it to "set to value" and I manually set the value. Both ways end up the same way.

    Can anyone take a look at the file please and let me know what I am doing wrong?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • Hey guys,

    I have made a little demo on RPG Maker VX Ace, however, I wasn't really happy with the software as it has a lot of limitations and quirky ways to do things.

    Anyway to cut things short, I have been trying to "port" my game from RPG Maker into Construct 2. The only thing I am having a problem with (or at least till now) is dialogues. I can't seem to get that to work in a way that isn't counter intuitive in Construct.

    I already tried the tutorials on the website for the choices-based dialogue. I downloaded the template and tried to use it following the steps but it threw an error when trying to copy the template (yes, I had AJAX, dialog.csv file and csv plugin installed as well as the Function called F).

    But aside from that the tutorial wasn't THAT easy to figure out either, it took a long while to understand most of the things that are happening in there, not to mention that there are things in there I don't understand still. So is there a way or any possible idea or anything I can do to simulate the same feel with Construct 2 without using variables and a zillion event?

    Thank you very much in advance.

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  • I have a question. You mention the theme is Future 2030; is it OK to create a game revolving around someone's life in the year 2030 but doesn't directly discuss the future itself. The story however does happen in the future -- would it be considered an OK entry then? Or wouldn't that work?

  • That actually worked, thank you very much!

  • To invert an event, you right click the event and choose "Invert condition" or "Invert Event"

  • Glad to hear I was of help.

  • I think it might be that the On Touch end still has an action. I believe if you delete that it might work. Is it possible that you try with deleting the action next to Touch > On any touch end + changing back to collision rather than overlapping?

    If not, the next best thing I could think of is the original setup you had; but instead of doing it exactly the same, I would add another condition to the "Collision" which is "On touch end" if that is what you want (that the animation would play when the touch end and the character collides with that spellBook).

  • Hello guys,

    Once again I have hit a wall; I checked tutorial and previous posts in the forum and tried the solutions but it seems either I am doing something wrong (I bet I am!) or I am trying solutions not tailored for this problem.

    I have a level with a button called Inventory; when I click this button it stops the game and the invisible layer items would pop up. Then the player would have the option to buy the upgrades in the inventory.

    The inventory itself is just a sprite except for the Buy and Back buttons they are all buttons. Anything else, is just 1 sprite collected in Photoshop.

    Now the logic I had done as in below in an Event Sheet called Inventory:

    and here is the code for the Back button:

    I even tried to reverse the code for the Back button; where I would do the Pick UID first then the mouse click... nothing, nada.

    Then in the gameplay Event Sheet (the one used for this layout) I haded included as in below:

    I don't know what is wrong, but the game pauses OK, everything works until I try to click on any of the buttons. They don't respond at all.

    At first I thought it was because I used a literal implementation of each button's UID, so I deleted the part where it says "Pick by object UID" (thinking that if I click on a certain button, most likely the event triggered knows which button is clicked so the action will take place according to the button clicked). It still didn't work. I tried another method I found here in the forums (I can't remember the details but it used a Foreach loop, but it didn't work either).

    Any ideas how one can solve this?

    Thank you very much in advance