Vallar's Forum Posts

  • Ah, shame! But thanks a lot I have been digging around untill someone replies and I read somewhere that Photon Networking solutions might work with C2. Is that just a guess? Or has someone done that? If so, does this require intensive coding knowledge? Or can a non-coder do something similar?

    I have been looking forward to use C2 in the project; it is the easiest tool that I found to do the job by far!

  • Hello everyone,

    I have started a new project that is similar to a PBBG. Since I am pretty familiar with C2, I thought I'd use it (I am not a coder anyway). As far as I know the multiplayer in C2 works using P2P connection. Is there a way to make it so that a server would act as the sole and only host and others connect to it? If so, are there any guides around that would guide me on how to do something similar (without assuming that I am a professional coder)?

    I also read somewhere that the maximum number of players allowed in such a connection is 100, is that correct? Anyway to increase the number?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • I tried a share folder since it says public folders are only for Dropbox pro. This is why I tried google drive also.

    Well that is weird... I am using Dropbox free and I can do that. I read somewhere (can't remember) that the old users had Public folder by default but now it has to be created manually. I deleted mine A LONG time ago when I first created my Dropbox account (perhaps 3-4 years ago).

    All I did (a week ago) was create a new folder then set it to Public and it worked. Perhaps if you try that it work like it did with me?

  • Try creating a Public folder in Dropbox and put the game folder inside it then access the index.html file (or if you already have the folder Public in Dropbox, just move the game folder inside it).

  • Bump still having a problem with the other issues:

    1- Now since this is the first game I have done in Construct 2 (aside from many others using tutorials and some stupid stuff to get to know the software more), I don't know much about the memory thing. It says on the toolbar 297 MB. I am a little concerned by that due to the fact that I feel I don't have a lot of things going on.

    The project has about 15-20 sprites of which 4-5 has animations (1-3 animations per) and each animation is average 4-6 frames. I feel that 297 is too much (my initial target for the game is web or standalone .exe stuff like an offline game, if there is interest I might port it to mobile but I am not going there just yet). Is that a correct feeling? Or am I being paranoid? If I am correct, what can I do to enhance this?

    2- When I launch the game and test it, sometimes the ball hits walls/enemies/rocks multiple times in succession (as it is cornered for example between a wall and an enemy) and instead of bouncing it goes through the wall/enemy as if it wasn't there. It is rare and doesn't always happen, but when it happens it breaks immersion/looks extremely weird. Is there a way to counter this behavior?

    3- Behaviors that happen in specific browsers only. Now I had someone test the game on both Chrome and Firefox (I only test on Chrome for now). They mentioned that in Chrome everything is fine (as I test it) and all walls function pretty well (aside from the occasional above problem). But when he switches to Firefox things get strange. The top wall in the game suddenly becomes "hollow" and things tend to move through it almost consistently. They mentioned this only happens on Chrome... now what exactly does Chrome do that Firefox doesn't that causes this? And how do you deal with specific browser problems such as this?

    4- Is it better that one can use Webstorage (for ingame store) + the normal save/load (for saving and loading the game normally) system built in Construct or would Save/Load do the trick for both uses?

    Thank you very much for reading and trying to help

  • That just worked like a charm with the lerp! Thank you very much.

    As for the missing of the collision, the ball's maximum speed was about 400-500 at that level. Hardly ground breaking... nonetheless is there a way to fix this aside from slowing down the ball? As the game as you see does depend on it.

  • Hey guys,

    So I have this game ( or the forums' thread if you prefer and I have a couple of questions, some of them are general others are specific to problems. Not sure where to post exactly (and I didn't want to post multiple threads so I kind of figured one would do, if that is bad, let me know I'll shoot it down)

    The first question is about the player movement. I have the setup below.

    Every Tick > Set Player.X to Mouse.X[/code:vv47vsc9]
    That is fine, however in the game one of the enemy types shoots a snare bullet at the player. So I wanted to slow down the player's movement. I tried something like below:
    [i](note the "wait" isn't nested sub event it is just the formatting messes with how it looks. They are both on the same level same as below too).[/i]
    [code:vv47vsc9]Every Tick > Set Player.X to Mouse.X
    ---------------> Wait (0.2) seconds.[/code:vv47vsc9]
    That practically did nothing. So I tried something else. 
    [code:vv47vsc9]Every Tick > Set Player.X to Mouse.X - 5
    ---------------> Wait (0.2) seconds.
    ---------------> Set Player.X to Mouse.X[/code:vv47vsc9]
    That didn't work either. I thought I am thinking of this the wrong way, instead of "lagging" the player sprite. Why not apply a "lag" effect on the mouse itself. There was no such option. Then I tried to put the player's timescale to 0.3 and that didn't affect the movement, only the animation of the sprite itself. 
    So I am not sure exactly how can this be done using mouse (I can and was able to do it EASILY with keyboard but mouse... is proving to be elusive).
    [b]This above has been resolved thanks to LittleStain.[/b]
    The second question is memory. Now since this is the first game I have done in Construct 2 (aside from many others using tutorials and some stupid stuff to get to know the software more), I don't know much about the memory thing. It says on the toolbar 297 MB. I am a little concerned by that due to the fact that I feel I don't have a lot of things going on. 
    The project has about 15-20 sprites of which 4-5 has animations (1-3 animations per) and each animation is average 4-6 frames. I feel that 297 is too much (my initial target for the game is web or standalone .exe stuff like an offline game, if there is interest I might port it to mobile but I am not going there just yet). Is that a correct feeling? Or am I being paranoid? If I am correct, what can I do to enhance this?
    Third question is weird behaviors (actually 2 in one):
      1- When I launch the game and test it, sometimes the ball hits walls/enemies/rocks multiple times in succession (as it is cornered for example between a wall and an enemy) and instead of bouncing it goes through the wall/enemy as if it wasn't there. It is rare and doesn't always happen, but when it happens it breaks immersion/looks extremely weird. Is there a way to counter this behavior?
      2- Behaviors that happen in specific browsers only. Now I had someone test the game on both Chrome and Firefox (I only test on Chrome for now). They mentioned that in Chrome everything is fine (as I test it) and all walls function pretty well (aside from the occasional above problem). But when he switches to Firefox things get strange. The top wall in the game suddenly becomes "hollow" and things tend to move through it almost consistently. They mentioned this only happens on Chrome... now what exactly does Chrome do that Firefox doesn't that causes this? And how do you deal with specific browser problems such as this?
    Sorry for the long post but these questions have been boiling up for a long time and I have been putting them off. I do appreciate you reading this and definitely thank you very VERY much for trying to help/your time <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />
  • For issue number 1, you have the player on a different layer than the rest of the sprites. Try placing them into the same layer (layer 0 for example).

    For issue number 2, you can always use the 8-direction movement and in its properties, there is a choice to make it only 4 directions.

  • You are most welcome. I'd post a link but the lovely forum tends to chop my links up and people can't follow it properly.

    Special thanks to SHG for saving the day ^_^

    Good luck with the changes

  • Ahh, I see what you mean now. I didn't know that you needed precise collisions based on the player's action. Sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted.

  • I sometimes encounter a similar problem too , the way I solved it is by add another condition to the "On Destroyed" condition.

    For example I setup a variable called LayoutDone and had it set to false by default then setup the condition for the destroyed event as:

    "On Destroyed" and "LayoutDone = false" > Do actions here.

    Hope that helps.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can try to setup the object and the collision change as an animation. The way to do that is easy. Once you have the object setup as mentioned, you just have duplicate the animation. In that duplicate, change the collision on it as you want.

    After that setup events to play the new animation when the box is destroyed. You can also achieve the same thing using frames instead of animations if you want.

    Here are a few images to show you how to setup the frames:

    Hope that helps

  • Hmm... why not make it that these zombies climb up the platform you have?

    You can spawn the enemies at the lowest Z depth possible in the layer, play animation and move them up as the animation plays and when the animation ends, you bring them to the top of the Z player along with the player.

    Another way is to spawn them at the end of the path (which I found out you can fall from). and have them walk towards the player. That way the player feels as if they are coming from the end of the path. Could place two gates/buildings at the paths ends for added realism.

    Oh and S and D buttons don't do anything. Only the A button does damage the rest do nothing.

  • I checked out the game and it does have promise to it.

    I am unsure if you know about this or not (somehow I am guessing you do), there is a video by Vlambeer's designer JW called The Art of Screen Shake. It is quite relevant and useful to what you are trying to do here. I suggest you give it a watch.

    I am not going to say anything more really since the video sums up everything that needs to be said or done for a game like this.

    Good luck and good work

  • Hey guys,

    I recently had an idea and was wondering of its viability (read: fun or not) so I whipped up a prototype for it.

    I really don't want to reveal the concept before you play it. Because that is part of the feedback I was looking for.

    The controls are:

    Moving ship: Move your mouse around.

    Special ability: Right Mouse Button (requires 5 Power Surge to use).

    Advance from How To Play: Space Bar

    It is a web game so here is the link:

    The feedback I am looking for (in addition to anything you'd like to say):

    1- Is this fun or not? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />

    2- When did you stop playing? Why? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised" />

    3- Did you notice any bugs? What are they? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" />

    4- Were things fast? Do I need to slow it down? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />

    5- Did you like the idea of the game? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" />

    6- Did you like the animations of the ships? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" />

    7- Anything else you'd like to add? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" />

    Thank you very much for trying out the game and your time. I really appreciate it.
