Usman Haq's Forum Posts

  • make the timescale 0 or the object timescale 0.

  • What I'm trying to reproduce is kind of what Jet Pack Joyride has in place. When an enemy, projectile, or anything harmful is incoming, an alert is shown on the screen in the direction the harmful thing is coming.

    In this case, the alerts need are happening anywhere 360 degrees. How do I do this? Of course the alerts are going to appear on the HUD but how do I make them appear in the direction that the enemy is/will appear?

  • If you STILL haven't decided. Bite the bullet and join C2. Phones are getting stronger and performance is getting better for HTML5. Exporting isn't getting more difficult, but it isn't changing. It can only get better.

  • Uh, Try "System-Trigger Once"

  • Uh, maybe Scirra should go back to working with Ludei, performance with XDK hasn't been all that good for me. As for iOS in particular getting bad performance, eh, nothing wrong over here. My game has a 20+ sprites on screen with particles and things have been great all the back to an iPhone 4.

  • B...bu...but Asheley, DA PERFORMANCE

  • Will this help?

  • Have you tried testing your game with CocoonJS?

  • I specialize in mobile games, so i don't know much sites. But if your game is good enough, you could release it to Armor Games or Steam. I'm pretty sure Kongregate will let you release pretty much any game. You can always post to the Scirra Arcade too.

    Since you specialize in mobile games, any tips on how to get a mobile game out there?

  • Hello there I'm not really looking for someone to work on my game with me, more like someone to revise it. It's still under development but I'm developing it everyday, and loving it. It's a mobile game and my one concern is making optimizations and making the sure the game is in good standing.

    Would this kind of thing go under your "No Pay" part?

    I'm asking this, well, because you seem quite skilled and fluent with C2.

  • Ahhhhhh........

    That really helps and ton! Thanks guys.

  • I'm lost. So I make a container and listen to your directions but what I end up with is the missile being destroyed only and the containers and the exhaust being left behind. If I make the container and destroy then I'm basically back to square one, with something being destroyed in one place and then everywhere.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • So I've got a rocket that's firing missiles. When the missile is spawned, a exhaust particle spawns with it and is pinned to the back of the missile. When the missile on collision with anything, it's destroyed and the exhaust with it. The problem is that I've got the fire rate set to a pretty fast speed, this make makes it so that there are many missiles within the layout at one time (Well not "many" but there are quite a few). So when a missile is collided with something the missiles gets destroyed (That's good) and then the exhaust gets destroyed (The problem). When the exhaust is destroyed, so is every other exhaust that is attached with the other missiles that have yet to be collided.

    How do I make it so that the exhaust still exists with the other missiles that have yet to be collided?

    Here's the problem: ... .capx?dl=0

  • This is pretty damn simple! It's really cool seeing a replicated game feature made with C2. Thanks.

    • Post link icon

    It's not a Toy, it's a tool. Just like every video-game development engine it has it's flaws. The most basic flaw is probably the performance on mobiles. But guess what? IT'S ALREADY BEEN SAID SO MANY TIMES. The main reason someone will have a bad time on mobile in the beginning is because they haven't done their homework, on how to develop games for mobile using C2. Using physics? You're gonna have to be frugal, other than that though, it's been quite great for me.

    Changes? I don't think there have been MAJOR changes, to the point where someone has to re-build their entire project. Everyone in this thread isn't against you btw, we're merely trying to inform you.