Unconnected's Forum Posts

  • I'm not talking about transparency built into the Tiled Background image.

    I mean transparency using a 2nd object.

    I have a tiled background and I would like to see through it in certain spots.

    Similar to a window in a wall. The wall would be the Tiled Background and the Window would be the 2nd object.

    I tried blend modes, but can't find the combination if it exists.

  • I was meaning a new object with a new name and no variables.

    Was only wanting a shortcut. It is easy to just remake, so I will just continue doing that.


  • I know this is an old post, I searched and couldn't find a newer post or one with an answer...

    Is their a simple way to duplicate an object in the project, in order to make a copy and not a clone.

    I know how to clone, but it adopts the variables and I'm not wanting that.

    I am just wanting a duplicate object independent of the other.

    I know it is simple to just make a new object.

    Mostly out of curiosity I was wanting to know a keyboard or mouse shortcut. It would be useful if it exists.

  • Thanks that was what I was needing.

    Wasn't sure what this meant

    Parameter for Tilemap:

    Tile: tickcount % 80

    I don't have much experience with Tile-maps yet.

    The TileMap does have 80 images in the editor.

    I am guessing it is what is allowing it's animation.

    It takes the TickCount and divides by 80 and the remainder will always be between 0 and 80.

    Is that correct?

    If so it is smart. I didn't know of TickCount yet.

  • Just spinning on it's own axis.

    Each image keeps it's X and Y while it spins.

  • It is part of the ground so I think a lot would be.

  • I have an image I want to tile and have each image rotate individually and not have the "spinning disc" effect.

    As in I don't want the outer tiled images to orbit the center image.

    I currently have the Image on a Tiled Background.

    Is it possible to rotate only the image on a Tiled Background without rotating the Tiled Background Object?

    I'm really not wanting to have 200+ instances of an object.

    I am willing to change Object types if needed.

    The image is currently 64x64 in size.

    I don't think this is possible, but I am hoping for a solution.

  • I had something similar happen to me. I would create 8 objects on layer6 but for no reason that I could find it would always put 1 object on layer3. The only reason I found out was the object had a blend mode associated with it and it made 1 object the wrong color. The system wasn't giving any errors and I seemingly didn't have anything else associated with the objects or interfering with it.

    All I did was erased the "Create Object" Action and remade it. It seems to be working now.

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  • I knew where to export it.

    I wasn't sure if it was a universal export/import.


  • Oh man, I was bummed out.. My most important plugins are Cordova.

    PhoneGap and Cocoon.io both have limits.

    My project is getting a bit large I am hoping an unlimited solution is out before XDX discontinues.

    All I can do is hope I am able to publish before the discontinuation and hope a solution is out before or soon after.


    Hours later I realized something important...

    Does this mean we will lose access to our apps that were published with XDK using Cordova since the KeyStore we used is on XDK?

    If we export them from XDK are we able to import them elsewhere or is the export for XDK only?

    I lost a key once. Luckily the app wasn't published, I was only testing something.

    It still bothers me I am unable to update or remove it from my Play store profile.

    Google themselves reportedly lost a key once and had to republish one of their own apps.

  • lamar

    I was mostly confused on what At( ) meant in XAt( ).

    The Manual refereed to "At" Expression as Absolute and I didn't realize "At" meant Absolute.

    I looked it up on the Touch Page of the Manual because of Lamar.

    It makes me assume Touch.X would be relative if a layer was rotated, I didn't even think of that possibility until then.

    I was only familiar with Abs() as Absolute.

    Abs() of course makes any value positive.

    abs( 5 - 10) will return 5 instead of -5

    -Abs() will make any value negative.

    -abs( 10 - 5) will return -5 instead of 5

    It is used to keep any math in the abs() expression to always have positive or negative results.

    These are of course different Absolutes, just tossing it in to help some readers.

    I only tried to find/search for "XAt".

    I thought trying to search for At would have been difficult, since it is a common word.

    I missed the quote below, because it was under AbsoluteX in the manual.

    "The At expressions can return the absolute position of any touch given its zero-based index, and the ForID expressions return the position of a touch with a specific ID."

    Some Examples for the above Quote:


    XAt(index, "layer")


    XForID(id, "layer")

    After finding Absolute in the Manual, I read the At expression returned the Absolute position.

    I then noticed this.


    What is the need for Absolute if At expression does Absolute?

    Does AbsoluteX do the same as XAt?

  • I seemingly have a basic understanding of it. I read it in the manual, but I am not 100% sure.

    I don't want to accidentally confuse someone else learning about it too.

    I understand


    is getting the location of a touch, what is the At(0) part?



    Do the same?

    or would it be Touch.X(0), Touch.Y(0)?

    Is Touch.XAt(0) needed in order to get X of two Touches?


  • I started getting "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET 404" in Chrome.

    It is working now. It must have been a 3rd party software. I closed everything manually and in Taskbar and tried again and it is working now.

    I did this before and it didn't work, but now it did.

    I refreshed the page this time and didn't last time.

    **** Update****

    It seems to be Avast causing this for only the download links for the plugin. I never had it happen for any other link.

    I have to disable "Web shield" to download.

    I don't know how to go about fixing it because it is allowing/blocking from the same address.

    I added an Exclusion and messed with the settings and it still does it..

    Also if I disable Web Shield and enabled it again, it sometimes still allows download.

    This isn't the proper forums to speak about Avast. I am just gonna reinstall it.

    I just added it in case others were having trouble.


    After an uninstall and a scan to remove every trace of Avast, I reinstalled and it is still doing the same.

    At least I have a fresh install now.

    Thanks R0J0hound for the 2nd link.

    Great Plugin as well.

  • I am only getting

    "Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead."

    I used different browsers, disabled addons, turned off or disabled security programs, cleared cache, cookies, history and restarted computer.

    I can download the Capx, but I can't the Plugin.

    The browser acts like it is trying to call the download window, but it is as if it can't grab the handle.

    All I can think of is maybe DropBox did something that only effects some users, or maybe bad cache for a few of us.

    Maybe if we wait a while the Cron will run and clean up..

  • This is simple and useful, Thanks.

    P.S. Capx Link seems to be broken.