Oh man, I was bummed out.. My most important plugins are Cordova.
PhoneGap and Cocoon.io both have limits.
My project is getting a bit large I am hoping an unlimited solution is out before XDX discontinues.
All I can do is hope I am able to publish before the discontinuation and hope a solution is out before or soon after.
Hours later I realized something important...
Does this mean we will lose access to our apps that were published with XDK using Cordova since the KeyStore we used is on XDK?
If we export them from XDK are we able to import them elsewhere or is the export for XDK only?
I lost a key once. Luckily the app wasn't published, I was only testing something.
It still bothers me I am unable to update or remove it from my Play store profile.
Google themselves reportedly lost a key once and had to republish one of their own apps.