UberLou's Forum Posts

  • Wow awesome, that works REALLY well! I was thinking of constantly checking for input patterns, but your method seems much more efficient to only check for it after pressing an attack button.

    This would require us to run multiple loops to differentiate between different attacks

    Maybe this could be done by having multiple special move strings (like your "tatsu" variable) and fill them up as you run through the one loop. I guess you would also need to figure out what was the most recent input pattern just in case there are two special moves in the buffer. Maybe it would just execute whichever move string was completed first. Not sure on that without some testing, but it seems like it could work

    I haven't worked much with loops in Construct. Where does the loop increment "CtrlBuffer.CurrentX"? Is that what the "For each element" does?

    Maybe we should start a specific thread for this one issue so that your tutorial thread doesn't get bogged down more by this?

    I don't mind the discussion here. It is pretty relevant to the topic but it if you want to start a new thread thats cool too. When it's completed it would definitely make a good post in the Uploads section.

  • Ah ok, I understand what you did with branching now. Very creative solution!

    but it's comparing the array which puzzles me

    I have only figured out a brute force way to find special moves in the array by using loops. I think it would work but probably not the most optimized way. For each special move you'd need a loop. So if you're looking for 1,3,2, then you just search for a 1. If thats found then search for a 3 in the remaining values then look for a 2. Then if you push punch you get the special move.

  • Minor thread hi-jack:

    I actually sat down just now to test out a theory. http://www.box.net/shared/9m90tzyf7e

    Nice example inkBot! I only had a short time to look at it on my lunchbreak but I'll definitely check it out more in-depth later on. It looked like your solution was to store each input as a 0 or 1 for about 10ms and then look for a combination of inputs as being a 1? It's a cool solution but I think there could be some problems with that, though I haven't tested it out. The first one you mentioned: you can just hold down and back and get the attack. Another problem would be motions that need 2 inputs of the same direction, like double tap forward or doing 2 fireball motions for a super move.

    I was thinking of a different method. You store each input into an array of size 10. (10 is just a random number right now, it should probably be larger.) So each direction is a number lets say:










    The array will be stacked with each input including neutral. So at the start your array would be filled with 0's. If you roll the joystick in a halfcircle from forward to down to back, your array would look like this:


    Going back to neutral, Your array would look like this:


    So you're constantly deleting the first value and registering each input as the last value. So you would store each individual input for as long as your buffer window allows. Now you would just need to look for certain patterns within the array. So if there is a 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,3,2 then you can do a dragon punch even if it looks like 0,0,1,0,3,2,1,0,0,0. And that dragon punch will be in memory (buffered) until the first 1 gets deleted.

    Hope that makes sense. I haven't tested it out yet, but I think that is close to what's happening in fighting games.

  • Hey I'm still around and working (slowly) on the game. I took a little detour with the new 3D object and did some testing with 3D environments. I had trouble matching the 2D characters with the 3D backgrounds but I finally found a good style. Hopefully will be showing more of the game soon.

    is it possible to trick you into making a little tutorial on bone movement for this style of game?

    If you want to PM me with questions or post in the help section, I'll be glad to help. I still have to finish my Fighting Game tutorial before taking on anything else.

  • [quote:a2lbuzux] not sure if a UV wrap will work or not?

    UV wrap works from 3D Studio Max with the obj format. I haven't tried any other 3d programs or file formats though.

  • Creating animations with Construct bones is very tough, especially if you don't know animation in general. Not saying you don't know how to animate, but even for me (I'm an animator), it's one of the most cumbersome animation tools I've ever used.

    One thing that helped me was creating very quick sketches of the animation in Photoshop, then importing that into Construct and using it as a template for the bone animation. It really helps to plan out what you want in advance.

    Hope that helps a little.

  • Part 2 of Tutorial Fighter is just about done! I've been really busy lately so I haven't done a full write up yet and I also wanted to make sure all the comments in the cap were complete. That might take awhile, so I thought I'd post the file if people wanted to take an early look. I'll update this post and link it to the main page when the tutorial is finalized. I also made a few changes to Part 1 which is documented in the quick notes.

    Download the cap file

    Download quick notes

  • Your image isn't coming up for me Genesys. I know what you mean by material color, however you can still do that with a texture, just use a flat color. Very simple. No need to add extra features for it. You can even be super optimized and make an 8x8 texture with each of the 64 pixels a different color. Then just texture each face to a color. Super easy.

  • it's good housekeeping to get into the habit of building up your textures with all the pieces you need.

    Yup, there's no real reason to have multiple textures per model in a simple construct game.

    I'd like to see embedded textures like .x DirectX models have

    What advantage does that give you over what Construct has now?

  • Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback!

    when is part two coming out?

    Sorry it's taking so long. The new 3D object distracted me from the tutorial and I've been experimenting with it a whole bunch. I'll get back to this tonight and hopefully have part 2 done in a week or so.

  • Does the 3D object support shading like a phong or blinn shader? Everything I import is flat shaded. I don't necessarily need it, but just making sure I'm not missing a feature or importing incorrectly.

    Is it possible to load an animated .obj model? or just non-animated models?

    It doesn't seem like it supports any type of animation. You can rotate and move around individual objects though...I wonder if there could be away to make a hierarchy of 3d objects and animate that within Construct...

    I'm having a prob where the normals appear to be flipped.

    Have you tried resetting the transforms? I'm using max and it imports correctly.

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  • Thanks for checking it in the newer version zenox98, it works on mine too. Stardog, you should be fine if you use 99.9

  • 3D object rocks! Tested my game and everything seems to be running fine so far. Jumping on slopes is fixed. Awesome update!

  • The only bug I've run into is jumping on slopes, but David said he fixed that for .86. Otherwise it's been working great for me.

  • Do you have content to fill that 3D environment with?

    Me specifically, yes. Working in 3d is much easier for me than dealing with 2d sprites. I usually make characters and environments in 3d anyway, then draw over them in Photoshop to create the sprites. I can't speak for others but why limit people? Having the option for it could attract those like myself who are more 3d oriented but find other engines like Unity too complicated.