UberLou's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the feedback! Strange though, I tested on two computers and I'm not able to duplicate the bug where you're stuck and have to jump to get out. Maybe that's a framerate issue messing with the timers? Guess I'll have to add some secondary checks to makes sure you're able to move afterwards.

  • <center>PROJECT METROIDVANIA</center>

    <center><img src="http://louisferina.com/games/MV/pic01.jpg" border="0"></center>

    This is a fun project I've been working on for my own enjoyment. It's in the vain of Metroid\Castlevania (hence the tentative title). There's still a lot to be done, but for now you can run around and beat up on a box..yeah fun! It has a good buffer system (try dashing into a jump...even if you hit jump too early, it will still jump when you're allowed to). It also has a saving system so level events aren't repeated. I also have good amount of the map done but they still need level tiles, environment hazards, enemies etc. Press [ if you get to a room that has either no tiles or the tiles don't match up to see collision. Anyway please let me know what you think. I'd be interested to hear if the game runs well on your system(press Tab to see FPS), how the controls feel, or whatever other comments you may have. Thanks for checking it out! Play Here


    Arrows - move

    Double tap Left or Right - Dodge

    Space - Jump

    S - Attack (Up and down arrows modify attacks)

    Enter - Forward text


    0 - Gives all abilities (wall slide\wall jump...double jump got broken when i added the buffer system)

    [ - shows invisible objects and hides level gfx. Delete - deletes saved data. If for some reason you want to re-trigger a cinematic or something Tab - Shows some variables, in case you're interested
  • Funny to see those zombie sprites floating around the internet. I made them about 5 years ago for a Gamemaker game.

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  • Another experiment I've been working on very slowly. Not really a game yet, just trying to push 3D in Construct and get some nice atmosphere in there.

    <img src="http://www.louisferina.com/zenphoto/themes/lsf_home/images/blog/scifi01.jpg" border="0" />

  • Awesome plugin. Is there a way to get this to work with particles? It didn't seem to work for me. It would be really useful if a sprite could be assigned to a particle emitter and also have an option to use a random frame or play the animated sequence.

  • This plugin is awesome, though I can't figure out how to use it with 3D objects. Is there any way to use it in conjunction with the 3D object plugin?

  • My Top DOwn Game


    COming Soon

    I'm happy that you figured out how to do a 3D TDS. Usually you would post something like this in your own thread rather than mine.

  • Looks nice. It's a little hard to see, but I think your dude is running wrong. When people run, they move with opposite legs\arms. On your animation, it looks like the left leg goes forward with the left arm. The right arm should move forward instead.

  • I think people are asking if you setup invisible sprites for the walls (which is what I'd assume but last time I messed with 3D Obj loading, the layout perspective was different to the runtime perspective, which would make your example very hard to do, unless you tested and tweaked it until the 2D layout matched the runtime layout)

    I thought amiltonbr was asking something else since deadeye had previously told him to use tiles \sprites for collision, which is exactly how it's done. Lining them up isn't too bad. I do that by setting the depth of the 3D object to 1 to remove perspective in the editor. Then you can easily see if your collision lines up with your mesh.


    Hmm...I don't understand what you're asking. I would recommend learning Construct basics before you tackle 3D. Also you probably want to ask for help in the Help forum.

    how the hell do you import the obj file properly i dunno how

    If you search the forums, there are tutorials and help topics on the subject.

  • OK I MAke the model .obj in google scketshup. Go to the construct white:/ texture i dont know place :/ is white.

    Make sure you have a texture. Construct can't do 3D lighting so my lighting is all faked.

    Are you still working on this UberLou?

    Not actively working on it. It was more an experimental project to try out 3D in Construct. I have made updates to it since this demo though so it could form into something more.

    OMG i didnt knew construct can actualy import 3D models... i though all it can do is make 3D boxes! Lovely demo by the way, thankyou for sharing

    No problem! Construct's 3D rendering is pretty basic, no lighting or shading, but if you get creative, you can do some impressive things.

  • What deadeye said. It's pretty much an extension of the Ghost Shooter tutorial.

  • Thanks for checking out the game guys.

    Bring on the textures and most importantly the bloodshed

    I'm looking at putting in finishing moves when you sneak up behind a guy. Hopefully that will quench your thirst for blood.

    Pretty cool. I think you should separate the body into 2 halves though (so legs don't look as awkward), like how CS2D (http://www.cs2d.com/) does it.

    The sprites are broken up already, i just haven't angled the feet yet when you change directions. I never saw CS2D though, thanks for the link.

    Amazing demo. That has buckets of potential. Imagine a team based multiplayer shooting game, 4 teams of 6 ppl or something. Graphics are very very nice!

    I'd love to do that, now where is that multiplayer plugin!?

  • Is there any way to turn off the "Use Folders" option by default? It's making picking objects more of a hassle for me. I also have to turn it off in every layout i have open each time i open Construct.

  • Just want to throw my support in for this. I'm a pretty cheap guy but I'll gladly pay the price. I've used Construct more than most other software I've purchased, so it's worth every penny. I actually think the commercial license should be way more than that, though I've probably made myself public enemy #1 saying that.

    Anyway, I hope you guys make a ton of money and can continue making Construct full time.