TwinBlazar's Forum Posts

  • newt you have every rights to choose a gun, a bomb or anything or even nothing. If a gun and bombs make cops follow you later and kill you, then you can try some other strategy instead.

    but you know, games these days are just getting so easy that it lacks a challenge. In a harder area, I want to make it so players wanna sink their teeth into difficulties like those players wanting to see triple 7 on slot machine. That's the kind of thing I am looking for.

    Beaverlicious no lets not use any freemium stuff here. That's as bad as the Tanuki suit.

  • To dynamically fade any sound:

    when you play a sound, give it a tag. A tag is simply just a name, for referring to this particular sound later.

    Now, "every tick", you can set the volume of any sound by using its tag.

    Set Volume function from manual in audio section:

    Set volume: Change the volume of a sound. The volume is given in decibels (dB). A volume of 0 dB is original volume, above 0 dB amplifies the sound, and below 0 dB attenuates the sound. For example, entering a value of -10 plays the audio back 10 dB quieter (about half as loud).

    To dynamically fade any sound, you simply need to call set volume and change its volume in every tick.

    That's the general idea.

    If you need further assistance, please say so.

  • You could be more specific about what you want. What type of game is this? Is it platformer, top down shooter or what?

    Without more specific info, we could not provide anything useful for you.

  • I came across:

    So I wanna have some discussion.

    in recent super mario 3D world, if you die too many times on any level, the game will grant you the white tanuki suit which offers what you can see in the video.

    What do you guys think? Like it? Hate it?

    Personally I would prefer the player to keep on trying, but in this "trying to get it right" could be exhausting to weaker player. Mario 3d world just give you to suit to remedy this, should you call it quit. But will you feel good with this? This feels like a teacher giving a kid a passing grade after failing so many times. You are getting something you don't deserve.

    So instead, what are better alternatives to this that MUST make the player feel good in each retry and encouraging players to keep on trying? Or do you think this is rather unneccessary?

  • Ashley recall long ago that I reported long music didn't play bug on chrome? Strangely, Node Webkit played all audio just fine without any trouble. It's quite strange that node webkit is essentially... Chrome, but we have different result. Something inside must be different...

    OK, something is up. After I updated to r152 64 bits, Node Webkit starts to have identical results as Chrome. If long music is played, any new sound effect that has not been loaded will not be played... :(

    Ashley After some more testing, I see that the preview of Node Webkit has this problem. However, if I exported my same project into stand alone node webkit first, then launch the .exe, all sounds seem to play correctly.

    What are the differences between preview version and standalone version?   Like are the audio engine treated the same way or the preview version has some quicker method for launching the preview?

  • Ashley recall long ago that I reported long music didn't play bug on chrome? Strangely, Node Webkit played all audio just fine without any trouble. It's quite strange that node webkit is essentially... Chrome, but we have different result. Something inside must be different...

    OK, something is up. After I updated to r152 64 bits, Node Webkit starts to have identical results as Chrome. If long music is played, any new sound effect that has not been loaded will not be played... :(

  • Ashley recall long ago that I reported long music didn't play bug on chrome? Strangely, Node Webkit played all audio just fine without any trouble. It's quite strange that node webkit is essentially... Chrome, but we have different result. Something inside must be different...

    C-7 assume we have a 3 seconds sound effect, try call play that sound 40 times in a loop. It will sound like those sounds are fighting in for the playing buffer. The clipping is very heavy. The game runs fine but those 3 seconds become stretchy and clippy and distorted 20-30 seconds instead.

    The paragraph above is just an easy example to express my point.

    Practically, what I do right now is to have one sound per tag. If we are to play a sound, I check first whether a tag exists, if so, seek position to 0. Else play the sound. This way, I could avoid the clippy audio trouble.

  • Hi,

    I am just curious about WebAudio implementation for PC Chrome, and Node Webkit.

    1. Is WebAudio using Hardware audio or do they decode audio by software?

    2. How many sounds can be played simultaneously before the program starts to have cracking sound? (Or rather, what is the size of audio buffer for playback?) Are these different from machine to machine?

    When things get hectic (imagine armies with machine guns, cannons, tanks' engine are charging in for war) and there are so many sounds (about > 50), sounds in C2 become very laggy.

    Node Webkit can still recover, after all sounds are played. (took a while but it's unpleasant at all hearing all those sounds cracked up for several seconds)

    For Chrome, well, it's still an unfixed bug on Chrome side.

  • If I am to develop a game for Node Webkit Desktop, do I have a function that I can basically obtain a portion of my game screen and use it as sprite?

    For instance, take this video as an example:

    At 2:03, the game simply takes a snapshot and place it on a newspaper.

    For me, I just want to take a snapshot of a frame at a particular moment and then show this snapshot. Is this possible?

  • We have an attacking animation, where we have several punches and kicks in succession. Recall Metal Gear Solid's Snake's attacks when he does a forward punch twice followed with a kick? Something like that.

    The thing is, we create an invisible damage hitbox object (for checking collision on enemy) at the animation frames where the hands and leg reach out at farthest.

    But here comes trouble: on a fast computer, the invisible damage hitbox object is created multiple time. I see that because variable framerate. This could be fixed with a little logical check.

    BUT here comes the second trouble: on a slow computer, when we have frameskipping really bad, if that frame does not show, we will not be creating the invisible damage hitbox object at all. Thus, resulting in enemies receiving no damage with the punches/kicks during some slower fps.

    I was thinking of a workaround, such as creating something like a timer and create the hitbox respectively. But well, it's a workaround and it's not so clean, so don't we have a better method? Anybody got some idea?

  • I got something.

    I was just doing some stuff in C2 r146 64-bits Windows 7. I loaded my capx project up, create a new sprite and load an image into sprite editor, and then switch to Chrome for checking email, etc, then I left the laptop there for a while. When I came back, I closed C2. Then, voila, C2 refused to close.

    [GUESS] Perhaps a pointer is missing somewhere or something during program window alt-tab switching?

  • I don't think it exists...?

  • Is there a plugin for obtaining the frequencies of audio output? I want to make a equalizer visualizer effect.

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  • Did you stretch the solid blocks for one floor instead of having many solid blocks? If so, you are doing correctly.

    Tiled backgrounds are better with smaller sizes. Let's say 64 x 64 to 512 x 512. But be sure to check performance on mobile devices. Some older smartphones will slow down badly with larger tiles.

  • Try to slice your sprites to be smaller. Not only it uses less memory. It also allows greater modularity.

    For collision polygons, use a sprite specifically for "solids" in your case. Expand them to fill the area as neccessary. You can turn them invisible in your game.