TwinBlazar's Forum Posts

  • Is it possible to print out the event sheet? I want to take a look at them on paper.

  • Could you please show us your game's screenshot and the image for your background?

  • You can try having a preset shapes then mixed them up dueing runtime with events.

    But if you want to create shapes on the fly during runtime, you will need to check out some plugins which allow you to modify texture on the fly.

  • This is a currently ongoing bug. A workaround is to preload every sound effect you have first.

  • But of course, just like what plinkie said, we all have these off the shelves apps anyway:

    So you can just go use those instead. :P

  • Perhaps... you could try to execute some javascript, with Browser plugin? Can we send TCP or some other messages to some IP with this javascript, and on the other end, is it possible to receive that message? This is all theory, and this is beyond me, but if it is possible, it would be quite a nasty hack.

  • You know what, I forgot to ask you one thing, Mulkaccino , which one do you actually after?

    1. Any PC game, but you want phones to emulate joystick inputs to the PC

    2. A PC game you made yourself and you want phones to be able to connect to. (If it is this choice, is your PC game also C2?)

    EDITED: Sorry, I just saw your objective in your edited post, mulkaccino. My bad. OK, so you want number 2.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • If you are thinking of making a PC game that allows 4 phones to connect in, then...

    It's possible, to have phone as gamepad, that connects to PC, etc. You could use bluetooth, TCP/UDP, or some networking protocol to send input information.

    For Bluetooth, since HTML5 is basically a web page - it does NOT have permission to access bluetooth devices.

    What about other things like TCP? In C2, We have WebSocket feature, and "WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection."

    Is it feasible? From the C2 Manual:

    ebSockets and multiplayer games

    It may be tempting to use WebSockets to design real-time multiplayer games. Unfortunately, despite the fact they communicate in real-time, WebSockets are not currently a suitable choice for this. The underlying transport uses reliable transmission, meaning a single dropped packet can hold up all transmission until the packet is retransmitted successfully. For games with demanding real-time requirements, this can cause unplayable levels of latency. It is usually impossible to design around this without changing the transmission mode, which WebSockets do not support.

    On the other hand, WebSockets should be suitable for games without such a demanding real-time requirement, like turn-based games. It should also be useful for application services, like chat rooms. Note this will still require you to create your own WebSocket server.

    And one more thing to consider is:

    Using the WebSocket plugin requires a WebSocket server. Construct 2 does not provide a server nor can the WebSocket plugin be used to make a server. If you don't already have a WebSocket server set up, you will need to create one yourself using a technology like node.js with WebSocket support. This can be a significant undertaking and require server-side programming knowledge.

    That could be a bit overwhelming, and I am not saying this is the only method possible. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable in HTML5 and networking transmission might be able to address other possibilities of what you want more properly.

    On a side note, you could also try some other engines, other than C2 running on mobile phone too, because C2 is strictly HTML5.

  • PSI C2 should handle the platform differences for you but there are little more issues that you need to implement, such as differences in input handling for different input devices (ex. Keyboard and touch screen)

    There are also performance issue you need to take care of. Your nice i7 laptop can run hella lot faster than your Galaxy S4.

    Try play around first and JJList 's demo is a good start.

  • JJList not intended to run on mobile device? Perhaps you should go back and reread PSI's requirement.

  • Which part do you not understand?

  • Ahh... variable jumping.

    do this:

    + if jump key is released,

    • + if player is NOT falling
    • - set player's platformer's vector y to player's platformer's vector y / yourThreshold

    yourThreshold shall be the variable you should try play around until you feel right.

    If the player doesn't let go of the jump key, he will achieve max jumping value imstead.

  • JJList your demo doesnt run on my smartphone's stock browser and chrome. Mind fix it for PSI? Thanks. I'll let you take it from here.

  • You are probably having bugs somewhere in your eventsheets. Mind post the capx and have other people looking?

  • You could have a tiled floor, and span it longer than your screen. Now, suppose the floor is always moving to the left with bullet behavior or whatever, you can:

    + if floorObject.x < floorObject.width

    • set floorObject.x = floorObject.x+floorObject.width

    This will make the floor jumps back by its width amount giving an impression of infinite floor.