tulamide's Forum Posts

  • I have a text box that asks the user for a number, then I have a line of text that changes and adds 10 to that number, but I can't add 10 to a string. Is there a way of asking for only an integer?

    You just need to convert the text to an int or float.


    A textbox with the text "11"

    ->Text: Set text to int(Text.Text) + 10

    will set the textbox to the text "21"

  • Well, it worked, but that's not quite what I'm looking for, because it makes the sprites themselves blurrier on upscale. I'm hoping for some sort of zoom where there's no compression or loss on the graphics themselves.

    That example makes it blurrier for me, too. Some time ago, someone had the same question and I then talked about problems with scaling through the windows object. I prefer using the system's 'change display resolution'.

    Here is a test cap. Please run it and see if it is blurry. (It shouldn't be)

    Done with v0.99.96

  • Steven, then I have to apologize for misunderstanding. Let's blame it on the language barrier

    I'm sorry!

  • Oh my, you CAN order it alphabetically. You need to click inside the object window. Oh man, AND you can make the Icons small!

    Don't know, what your problem is, but you should work on it...no need for arrogance here...or let's just wait until YOUR next issue

  • I think it might have been missed, I mentioned you can arrange objects alphabetically by right clicking the object bar.

    You can also click the object bar then start typing to select an object as well.

    Hmm, are we talking of the same object list? Both tips don't work for me (no matter which version of Construct)

  • Tulamide - Oh. I don't know how useful z-sorting the objects list is for you, but it really doesn't have any functional use for me, and I can't really think of one, considering all instances are at different z-orders anyway.

    I didn't say if it's useful. I just wanted to point out that the list is not unordered. I for one would like to have the choice how to order the list. The z-order only comes in handy sometimes, if you need to place an object to a specific z-position. Most of the time I would prefer a type and name order.

  • Just to clear this point:

    The object list is ordered. Z-ordered. The back object being the top one and the front object being the bottom one.

    That said, at least some sort of grouping, for instance to reflect the layers would be nice.

  • Nice effect!

    Thank you

    It makes tint plus pretty much obsolete.

    I know I will sound like a nitpicker now, but "color overlay" is not just "Tint Plus" with intensity In fact, "Tint Plus" was the reason to create "color overlay". While "Tint Plus" just multiplies the original colors with the selected one channel based, "color overlay" replaces a certain amont (up to completely) of the original color with the selected one based on a third-weighted greyscale image. It keeps luminance, so to say (not exactly, but let's leave it for now).

    The difference is pretty obvious: If you have a 100% solid blue sprite and apply "Tint Plus" with 100% red, the result is black.

    original[0, 0, 1] * selected[1, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 0]

    With "color overlay" you get dark red.

    original[0, 0, 1] -> grey[0.333] -> original[0, 0, 1] * 0% + selected[1, 0, 0] * grey[0.333] * 100% = [0.333, 0, 0]

    I recommend the name "RGB levels" or "Color fusion" for this effect. May I suggest values from 0-255 so it's easy to select an exact color?

    Thanks again, you're the first proposing better suited names, I appreciate it much. "Color fusion" sounds pretty close to what exactly it does.

    I was quite comfortable with the percentage values. But if channel values [0, 255] add to the comfort of using this effect, I will change it, of course.

  • For point 2

    A first approach: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9y744a1l39riel6/DayNightTest.cap

    Light uses mouse behavior, make sure mouse is inside the window. This is just a first step, there would be the need of finetuning, and other solutions may be more efficient. But it's possible.

  • I didn't test it yet, but how does this differ from a solid color sprite with overlay on top of the image? I'm just curious, not saying it isn't useful or anything.

    You should have tested it

    It works completely different. And that's why I was afraid of the name "color overlay".

    The "overlay" effect is a special blend mode, that combines a multiply blend for dark areas and a screen blend for light areas. The result is a mixture of more contrast plus the mixed original and blend color.

    The "color overlay" effect works more like a foto filter, or imagine you wear colored sunglasses while looking at the image. It replaces a certain amount of the original color by the selected color. The result is very natural, because in real life you lose contrast the darker it gets, and "color overlay" works similar. That's why it is very useful as a post effect for day-night-cycles and such. (You could have a stormy winter night, totally black, only lit dark blueish when lightning strikes, or a bright mid-sommer day ... all with the same set of sprites.)

    Have a look at the differences here:

  • What about gradient for text?

    Here you are: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=7674

  • This effect draws color gradients over objects, using the object's alpha as a mask. It handles semi-transparencies and can be mixed with the original colors of the object. It is very useful in combination with (but not limited to) the text object, as you can see here:

    How to use it:

    Gradient type (float)

      radial = 1 linear = any other number

    Direction (float)

      if type is radial:
        inside to outside = 1 outside to inside = any other number
      if type is linear:
        top to bottom = 1 left to right = any other number

    Color 1 Red, Green, Blue and Opacity (percent)

      the values in percent that define the first color note: values outside [0, 100] can be used (e.g. to fine-tune the softness/hardness of the gradient

    Color 2 Red, Green, Blue and Opacity (percent)

      the values in percent that define the second color note: values outside [0, 100] can be used (e.g. to fine-tune the softness/hardness of the gradient

    If the opacity is set to a value lower than 100%, the gradient is mixed with the underlying object's colors. Furthermore, the opacity of the gradient is relative to the object's opacity:

    A 100% gradient from full red to full blue assigned to a full green object whose opacity is set to 50% will result in an 50% transparent gradient from full red to full blue.

    A 50% gradient from full red to full blue assigned to a full green object whose opacity is set to 50% will result in an 50% transparent gradient from yellow-ish to cyan-ish.

    How to install:

    Download "Gradients.fx" and place it inside the effects folder.



  • I see you draw well, then why in the game this is not?

    Why don't you just read the first post? All your questions are answered there...

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  • Never used videos but it seems pretty easy. Have a look at the wiki about the avi-object:


  • Thank you so much, ROJOhound, I knew it would be something simple. Problem solved