toralord's Forum Posts

  • I know you know

    I was just merely explaining what some one would need to do isometic game.



  • Nice one deadeye. but it is only one part of isometric you need to add height to it, a dummy collision mask, X variable, Y variable, Z variable, Depth variable, and some more variables. Calculate it all to give a real sense of it being 3D. With out this stacking won't work at all. I am working it out to get it right. when I get it I wall post it.

  • I been making a beat'em up game so I can say it's easy.

    I can say this because I did the research on making a fighting before I started doing it.

    But if you had read some of the post on this topic on this forum they all say that making it is hard to do.

    All you need is the is the platformer behavior animations and some collision box.

    The only thing is a project like is very repetitive .

    The event sheet would be so big even if you were to use one or two characters for this.

    Only intermediate to advance users would understand it really.

    you can think of it a step up from a platformer in terms of AI and animations.

    The only problem I can see is to do a getting the keyboard to do ("<v> A"or "back,down,forward,A button")



  • I was able to get to the last level. it was to hard for me to pass

    you need to be precise as hell to do it.

    just look at the last level<img src="">

    I was only able to get one key

  • Weird I only see gradient and hear some sounds nothing else! and well I can hear the music aswell

    I think the gradient is a intro sequence with the start up music.

    After some time the gradient will fade away then you can see everthing.

  • DOWNLOAD LINK: - 19mb

    if you use rapidshare or any other site that have a timer for download alot of people will not download it.

    show you may want to try or for now on

  • super nice. keep it up.

  • this is great like

    All of then are working for me.

    I could see this being used in a under water game.

    when the player and other object moves it sends this waves in water.

    Or a scene in a game were there is a factory and you use this to make smoke is coming out the top of it.

    I would like to see it fade after a while that would be nice.

  • (BTW, your right-click trick doesn't work for Mediafire, it saves as a .cap but the contents of the .cap file are actually HTML for the Mediafire download page )

    yes, and this way you don't get all those pop up ads or another site page window to download it.

    I did it to show that it goes straight to the download, that mean on pop up ads saving more time.

    And pop up ads are the main reason you made this topic right.

    This is for when people that are posting their links from mediafire and box for other to download.

    1 place the mouse arrow over link ("click here to start download")

    2 you right click it

    3 you select ("copy like location") to copy it

    4 then you paste it in the download link in you post.

  • :evil: Graaargh

    No, really. Ugh, it's a terrible site. I mean, just take a look at this:

    And on top of that, I got a popup ad as well. Bleah. Now let's compare that to this:

    Ahhhhh.... it's like a spring breeze lifting your soul. It's like puppies and kitties playing together in a meadow full of pillows and gumdrops. No ads, no popups, no garish, ghastly crap to look at... and it's a hell of a lot faster than Mediafire. Go there now! Sign up for an account! Make people happy to download your GS clones and Megaman/Sonic crossover RPGs.

    Here's the link:

    Deadeye you are overly dramatic like it is the worst damn download site ever.

    there is hundreds of site that are worst then it.

    When I us mediafire I post the direct link to the download.

    I always right click "copy link location" and paste it here

    like this ... +test5.cap

    no pop up add, you don't have to go to another site to download it. Everybody should be doing this with mediafire, or box.

  • It is sometimes good to post a cap to show what you are talking about.

    With that being said, the frame rate maybe to high.

    So you can try setting the speed of the animation lower.

    Hope that helps you out.

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  • Grumph. Sounds like a pain in the ***** I'll just stick with using dummy objects for player sprite collision...

    It is actually a is not a pain.

    It will save more time them doing dummy objects.

    With that being said it would be nice to be able to open the mask in the picture editor and change the mask that way.

  • For each frame of the animation there is a mask frame.

    Show just do what David did in his video for each frame and it will work.

    doing this is really good for oddly shape frames that changes height or width in an animation.

    And yes, "Copy collision mask to each frame" will add the collision mask to

    all the frames in that animation set "not all the animations". so pick the mask frame you want for this. this is good for animation where the frames shape don't change from frame to frame and is centered.

  • I played it, love it. You should keep this in your sequel list.

    I want a part 2 of this game or evil rhino face monkeys will rain down upon you with the intensity of a billion sun.

  • Thank you. This is a nice start. I can't wait to see more.