tonycrew's Forum Posts

  • when I left-click or press space-bar then game freeze's.

    Sorry probably because i was uploading new files.... try it now

  • nice retro game...vic20 was one of my first computers...i liked "D" to kill yourself a lot :)

    Haha my bad i've ammended it now... it was K to kill yourself.. ooppps

    Just looking at adding some physics... For Wind....

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  • Updated it not much really, just added Level and added "You Cheated" txt for when you find the cheat.


  • Hehehe funny and time-consuming.

    It remind me also of old times (it was on TO8, not amstrad though <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    Even 20+ years later, the game mechanics still work.

    Yeh it's funny how some of the old simple stuff can play really well, mind you i am a bit of a retro games freak.

    I don't know if it is on purpose, but during the first level, the fact of starting back from the left of the screen gave one bomb (even if there was a bomb already dropping atm).

    From the start of level 2 this principle disappears (making it harder).

    ha it's probably a bug.. i never noticed this..

  • A bit of a copy from an old Vic 20 Game Blitz which i played along long time ago.

    It could probably be done better in the events than i have done, but i'm learning.

    I've left all the variables on screen for debug so i can see whats happening and so can you. I do this type of on screen variable display everytime i've created something as it lets you know if something is working or not.

    Anyway hopefully somone may take this and expand on it and bring it into this century....

    Play here

    CapX file

  • Yeh sorry i noticed the gravity after i posted... i'll try the upward force idea.

  • Probably at some point these things i list will be added, either by the authors or 3rd party behaiours/plugins.

    Weight... so that you can have a scale say 0-9 0 being a balloon filled with helium that would slowley rise, and 9 being say steel, this would add greatly to the physics.

    Variable Gravity, 0-9 0 being no gravity and 9 being full gravity this could be turned on and off at points thoughout your game.

    Wind: again say 0-9 and direction this would also add greatly to the physics for puzzle type games and say vehicle games where jumps are used. Maybe in your game you have to position fans etc to blow objects to certain areas.

    Bouyance if thats how its spealt.... Again for water type physics.

    Anyway thanks for a great product easily the best value for money compared to other products on the market. Can't wait for the next 12 months to see this product really grow.

  • Ok thanks for the replies, i'll look into generating them by code..

  • Just wondering whats the max sizes(Screen Size) in general for a level as i was messing around with the Vehicle Physics capx and made the level 12000 wide but it's over in about 4-5 seconds,

    Are there any other ways other than have really large screen sizes.

  • Thanks for the reply

  • Ok i just purchased this great product, and am trying to get the music to import, i'm using the ogg file MattOglseby - 6.ogg from the pack i got with Construct 2. But it doesn't import the m4a file only the ogg..?

    So i have to manually drag the other file in...

    This doesn't happen with sound imports only music.. wiered

    I'm running

    Windows 7

    IE 9

    Firefox 6.02

    I5 Pentium CPU

    nVidia GF 240

    8 Gig DDR 3

    Also have installed kLite Codec Pack about 5 months old.

    Any ideas is it just me/my setup or another problem.

  • Sorry instructions: Left Click mouse to place bombs.

    There's a timer for the level.

    If you run out of ammo then a timer comes on and counts down from 5-0 then your ammo refils.

    Each enemy takes 2 bombs to kill

    I haven't yet added what happens if you die....

  • We have never used construct before but are gonna buy v2 as we had a mess about and created this, there's no sound and is very basic, sort of the beginning of an engine, alot more can be done but maybe for newbies like me then it maybe a start for them aswell.

    Here's a web link to try

    Here's the CapX File

    There's probably bugs...

  • It's ok i got it figured added an arrived at waypoint Event. ~:)

  • Ok i added RTS movement and it now goes to the mouse, just need to figure animation out now.

    Also now added Event Is Moving :- Player1: Set Animation to "Player Walking"

    But this don't work....