tomsstudio's Forum Posts

  • I also have a question for you, ASHLEY. You said it was possible in your chat tutorial to add private messaging. I tried it myself to what I believe should work, but doesn't work. Could you elaborate more on your theory? I've attached my .capx if you need it.


    ** Updated to include who from **

    The way i do it might not be the most efficient way.

    But i have an array in my project for the peer, 4,1,1.

    I insert the ID/alias of the player i want to message into the first element.

    Then the "tag" into the second element.

    Then the message into the third element.

    Then who its from in the fourth element.

    I then send a message to the host with the tag "pm" and the message as array.asjson

    The host has two arrays.

    arrayrecieved 4 by 1 by 1

    arraysending 2 by 1 by 1

    The host has a call waiting on.message.from.peer.with.tag."pm" >

    It then loads arrayrecieved with arrayrecieved.load.from.json multiplayer.message

    Then it loads arraysending first element with

    Then loads arraysending 2nd element with

    Then multiplayer.send.message



    Message: arraysending.asjson

    The recieving peer has 1 array, arrayrecieving, 2 by 1 by 1

    multiplayer.on.message.recieved.from.peer with tag "pm" > arrayrecieving.load.from.json multiplayer.message

    textbox.append from & " " & & ":" & " " & & newline

    Hopefully this isn't too confusing

  • *edit* I've figured a way around this, a little hacky bit it should work */edit*

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    All this talk of fees and such are completely immature, wait til its a functional exporter first and foremost.

    Also, all the best of luck, lots of us are looking forward to it.

    I got ahead of myself. I apologise to everyone.

    Consider my lesson learnt about speaking of the future.

    Next week ill take a break from the forums and work on the now.

    Thanks everyone for the great advice and support

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    It does not come off as something else, in fact, it comes off as something that a large part of the scirra community would be greatly interrested in.

    What I mean with 2 months is nothing, is that 2 months of solo development time on a personal project is but a speck of time some developers spent on their vision, whether or not it comes off the ground at all.

    Many developers on scirra spent over a year working on a game, and quite a few do that in team work.

    The reason I am a bit critical with some information, is just the fact that such a tool could indeed be a huge addition to construct 2 users. But the information your providing is coming accros a bit clumsy (I did not find it arrogant).

    It might be worth to check out the community in seeing if people are interrested in teaming up with this endeavour.

    There are quite a few capable programmers on this forum, and I can imagine some will be very interrested in working on such a project or aiding and assisting to provide better feedback.

    I for one would be worried about the quality of testing done solo, seeing your new with construct 2 and there are many variations in programming styles. (good and bad)

    I am interrested in this project, and would be willing to lend a hand where possible. ^_^

    Such kindness

    Don't talk me about code styles, i spent all yesterday trying to comment and clean i fell asleep!

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    > Best way to kill a program is asking money for it straight off the bat, ill let the free version run wild for a bit, and if people like it, then we will see about pricing.


    riiiight .... perhaps its an idea to get a partner for public relations and actually do some planning what information you want to release to the public.

    Seeing as you already contradict yourself :As the export with the free version, only able to publish through you, will cost 20% commision. (according to your information)

    You have pricing plans listing prices near 2k$ .... and you dont even know if you will be able to get everything to work.

    Sorry to be a bit negative, but from my perception, you have invested time in something you are saying you will not give up on because you invested 2 months of time.

    That to me sounds rediculous, 2 months is nothing.

    Some questions:

    Who does your testing ?

    What happens if monkey gets a big overhaul ?

    Have you ever made other software ?

    Do you have something of a portfolio ?

    Are there any legal factors involved if people start using your system ?

    Again, apologies if this comes accros a bit negative, but your opening the doors for it.

    Nothing is set in stone.

    The pricing is just a template, just an idea, give people an idea on what i'm thinking, not whats its going to be.

    someone wanted some information about licensing i just posted what information i had at the time.

    I'm sorry if ive come off arrogant, it was not my intention. This project was originally was only being developed for myself, but people were arguing over crosswalk vs this and that, i just thought id let people know about the program i am making.

    Again the program will be available to try, people will like it or not like it, it may flop, it may succeed. But what is the harm in trying?

    2 months is nothing? I could of got a job, i could be putting more effort into uni, i could helping my father on his farm, i could be doing heaps of other things. But i'm spending my time on something that may work, or it may not. It may be nothing too you, but it darn well means a lot to me thanks.

    1. I do my testing, its only alpha, as ive said before.

    2. Monkey gets a new release every month or so, if mark makes any changes to code functionality, he generally gives people a heads up.

    3. Nothing worth releasing commercially, but everyone starts somewhere.

    4. Nothing worth talking about, apart from what i'm doing and the game i was working on before this.

    5. Ive read the license agreements, i'm not breaking any rules.

    Im just one guy trying to make something i thought would a cool idea. Sorry if it comes off as something else.

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    Best way to kill a program is asking money for it straight off the bat, ill let the free version run wild for a bit, and if people like it, then we will see about pricing.

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    i expect 2 months of beta testing before any actual pricing system comes in

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    > You can look me up on facebook (tom healy) to see who i am, doesn't have any info on my program though.




    Quite a few tom healy's on facebook >_>

    I asked for it, seeing as you have a pricing plan in mind and mention you have a company, but nothing online.

    Looks a bitt odd, thats all.

    I understand,

    i should of mentioned i've just started a company(haven't decided a name yet), but the publishing through x company is long ways off, getting the actual program out in the wilderness is first priority

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    Lets get this straight.

    Your business model is of a service type for exporting using software from another company that has already said they would not support what you are doing?

    Um, are you sure you have thought this out completely?

    The new software is being written in Monkey, so no. <i mean yes!>

    My program takes information from the save file of a construct 2 project. It then replicates the behaviors into functions, layouts into 'playfields', event sheets into logic code, all in the monkey language.

    It then sends this data to the cloud server, which is running monkey, once server gets said information, it runs a .bat command line to monkey, monkey compiles MONKEY code into native code for whatever target. Server then sends compiled apk back to you. (this is for final build for publishing)

    The new feature takes save file > converts to monkey > sends data to Studio app either running on, pc, mac, linux, ios, or android, and runs the data from a script import. Since the studio is built in monkey, what you see will be almost exact to what you would get through final build (minus ADs and IAP since these need actual testing). The feature allows to see what works, and what doesn't.

    In terms of the company not supporting this, i can understand why, but i'm not going to stop and throw away 5-10 hours a day of work for the last 2 months.

    Is it perfect? no, it still needs a lot of work. I might find out Ludei have come up with something awesome, or Crosswalk does really well, and then this will be pointless. But the option will still be available for those who want to use it.

    Why invest hundreds of hours into RnD if i haven't thought it through?

    But thank you for your concern

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    > >

    > >

    > > I am combining the current exporter into my own Game Studio software

    > >

    > >


    > Do you have some links or info about yourself and your company or your Game studio software ? or even a website ?


    > Googling didnt really help.


    Not really,

    For the last few months just been in my room or at uni just programming my heart out.

    You can look me up on facebook (tom healy) to see who i am, doesn't have any info on my program though.

    I'm not going to ask for any money until late beta minimum, at that point, there should be plenty of information

    And when i say 'ask for money',

    I'm probably going to put something up on kickstarter in a few months to help me finance the more difficult features, get servers, any additional hardware etc etc.

    Will probably have half price outrights or something /lol

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    > I am combining the current exporter into my own Game Studio software



    Do you have some links or info about yourself and your company or your Game studio software ? or even a website ?

    Googling didnt really help.

    Not really,

    For the last few months just been in my room or at uni just programming my heart out.

    You can look me up on facebook (tom healy) to see who i am, doesn't have any info on my program though.

    I'm not going to ask for any money until late beta minimum, at that point, there should be plenty of information

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    > Alright,


    > A really big update


    > I am combining the current exporter into my own Game Studio software

    > Okay neat. Sounds good and all. What about Construct 2? Are you going to support C2 files to be natively compiled as per what sounded like your original idea?


    C2 is still my priority, so the IDE will come after native exporting.

    Whats cool is the ability to import C2 projects, sync to account, then test on your phone/tablet to test native performance . Without the need for emulators and cables and sdks.

    They can wait until your ready to publish

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    In terms of pricing:

    If you are a single indie developer, it is free to create an account and download the studio software on any of the supported platforms. Once synced, you can test your project on any device you have the software installed on, no messy cables or emulators, what you see when testing is how it will behave live.

    The only cost will come when you want to export the project.

    So Free: $0.00, ability to build and test projects on any device the studio supports. Ability to export only through my company, 20% commission taken.

    First come first served basis on email support.

    (1 user per account)

    Basic: $5.00 for 31 days(1 month), $25.00 for 183 days(6 months), $40.00 for 1 year, $99 outright.

    Same features as free + ability to export to any device the studio supports. + Ability to publish through my company at 15% commission(not mandatory).

    (1 user per account)

    Faster email responses that free users.

    Pro: $20 for 31 days, $100 for 183 days, $160 for 365 days, $299 for outright.

    Same features as basic + the ability for multiple users(up to 5) on the same account. + Ability to publish through my company at 10% commission(not mandatory)

    Faster email responses than Basic users. + 1 hour per month of Skype support.

    Super: $100 for 31 days, $500 for 183 days, $800 for 365 days, $1999 for outright.

    Same features as pro + unlimited users. + Ability to publish through my company 5% commission(Not mandatory)

    Faster email responses than Pro users. + 3 hours per month of Skype support.

    Also starting a game publishing company that focuses on polished games. If you choose to publish through this company(not mandatory, except for free users), then the % commission taken will depend on member level.

    Why would you want to publish through x company? We will take care of everything when it comes to publishing to the stores. We will continue to promote the game ever after its been published. Since the company will only publish polished games, you can be confident in knowing that any cross promotion will come from polished and fun games.


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    A really big update

    I am combining the current exporter into my own Game Studio software

    What does this mean?

    The combined program is written in Monkey language, which means the Studio program is fully cross platform! This allows cross platform cloud editing!

    Example: Bob has a PC running windows, and a android phone. Bob uploads the game he has made to his studio cloud account, then downloads the studio software via google play store on his Android device. Once logged into his account, the software downloads his project to his phone.

    Bob is now able to test the game on his Phone as if he just downloaded it from Google Play.

    Other Example: Bob is away from his computer when he thinks of a really cool idea for his game. He gets out his phone, opens his game and put into dev mode, makes the change to the game which syncs back to the cloud.

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    > tomsstudio

    > Alright so your making a new compiler from the XML event sheets. Kudo's I thought about doing somethign similar in Java, but it was merely a passing thought.


    > So while the sheet is easy enough to convert on the logic flow. How are you handling the issue that the Plugin export code is still in JS. Do you have a JS to Monkey converter?


    > I also figured you would translate WebGL to OpenGL calls. What is important that the C2 render loop makes use of WebGL calls and that your translating the JS code into the other language. Besides GL, there is also the two major areas of WebAudio or more specifically what ever Audio system the langauge supports and WebRTC which I'm not sure has a direct UDP variation.


    He doesn't use at all the exported JS, but rather the capx/project folder itself, and do equivalents of the official plugins through monkey (since the project folder contains just the names of plugins used, and how they are used, he should be able to make an equivalent of them)

    For the unofficial plugins, not sure it can be handled at all like that, but not that it matters at the moment (pretty sure doing plugins for this could be possible, but we'd have to make them ourselves I think)


    Oh and Android min version 1.5, no max version according to Engine docs