I also have a question for you,
ASHLEY. You said it was possible in your chat tutorial to add private messaging. I tried it myself to what I believe should work, but doesn't work. Could you elaborate more on your theory? I've attached my .capx if you need it.
** Updated to include who from **
The way i do it might not be the most efficient way.
But i have an array in my project for the peer, 4,1,1.
I insert the ID/alias of the player i want to message into the first element.
Then the "tag" into the second element.
Then the message into the third element.
Then who its from in the fourth element.
I then send a message to the host with the tag "pm" and the message as array.asjson
The host has two arrays.
arrayrecieved 4 by 1 by 1
arraysending 2 by 1 by 1
The host has a call waiting on.message.from.peer.with.tag."pm" >
It then loads arrayrecieved with arrayrecieved.load.from.json multiplayer.message
Then it loads arraysending first element with arrayrecieved.at(3)
Then loads arraysending 2nd element with arrayrecieved.at(4)
Then multiplayer.send.message
To: arrayrecieved.at(1)
Tag: arrayrecieved.at(2)
Message: arraysending.asjson
The recieving peer has 1 array, arrayrecieving, 2 by 1 by 1
multiplayer.on.message.recieved.from.peer with tag "pm" > arrayrecieving.load.from.json multiplayer.message
textbox.append from & " " & arrayrecieved.at(4) & ":" & " " & arrayrecieved.at(3) & newline
Hopefully this isn't too confusing