Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Again, I am using sprite objects acting as tiles (animations as tilesets, frames as tiles) as Ashley & Rexrainbow suggested. This was fine at first, but now that we have many tilesets there's A LOT to load, causing preview times to be upwards of 20 seconds.

    My solution was to no longer use sprite objects acting as tiles and instead use the tilemap object (which didn't exist at the time we built most of our levels) but it's impossible to get that working with TMX Importer due to the tilemap object's limitations (one tilemap per tilemap object, etc.).

    So, again, if we could just have the tilemap object support multiple tilemaps, and the ability to place any of those tiles on a single canvas, problem solved! I'm not really sure how Ashley expected 1 tilemap per object to be enough in the first place!

  • Bump (and edited OP)

  • So we've been building our levels with Tiled and the TMX Importer using sprite objects acting as tiles as Ashley & Rexrainbow suggested...but now that we have so many tilesets we're running into all kinds of problems - very long preview times, freezing when loading levels, poor performance, etc. So the only thing I can think of doing is replacing the sprite objects acting as tiles with tilemap objects (which didn't exist at the time we built most of the levels).

    Well, unfortunately that's not possible with the tilemap object's limitations - namely how you can only use one tilemap per tilemap object.

    Our own problem aside...Working with multiple tilemap objects on multiple layers is VERY cumbersome.

    So, It'd be fantastic if we could store multiple tilemaps in one tilemap object (using a frame system or new menu in the property bar), and place tiles from any of them on the tilemap canvas. This way you only need 1 tilemap object per layer and can use any tiles you wish, and you can use Tiled & the TMX Importer without having to use sprite objects acting as tiles.

  • Tobye We are using Tiled to make our levels (which are loaded externally) so Dropbox allows us to work on them at the same time. Totally different story when using C2's level editor though, which we plan on using for our next project.

  • Since C2 is completely internal your only option for collaboration is SVN, which I feel is overkill if you're only using it so, say, your team can collaborate on levels.

    That said, maybe we can have the ability to save layouts individually like some other engines do? And an "update layouts" button to apply changes made by team members? This way, if the project is on Dropbox or something similar, team members can work on levels at the same time without overwriting everything else or having to reload the whole project to update other team members' changes.

    Sure it's not the *perfect* solution but it seems like an easy way to allow teams to work on levels together without the hassle of SVN.


  • +1 for the 8th time I think

  • _

  • [quote:1uhqxp8h]Many people are always complaining about the lack of big, serious projects in Construct 2, and I agree! All that we see right now, at least in terms of released content, are small webgames/freegames/mobile titles.

    It's really annoying to read this so often... Most "big, serious projects" take longer to develop than C2 has existed. There are quite a few in the works anyway.

  • Currently playing through the "spiritual trilogy" (Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma). IoG is still my favorite but Terranigma is pretty good too. Certainly more ambitious.

    Also playing through the La-Mulana remake. The original is much, much better :T Give it up for Nicalis for ruining yet another indie gem.

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  • Creating the object (not spawning it) at int(Mouse.X/150)*150 should do the trick. I usually make a cursor object that's set to that, then create the tiles at its position.

  • I'm not sure if it's due to a chrome or C2 update, but as of ~2 weeks ago my game is taking upwards of 25 seconds to preview (it usually takes ~3 seconds). I haven't seen any bug reports so I'm assuming it's chrome. Anyone having the same issue?

    On that note, the NW preview has always taken around 10-15 seconds to preview which is really annoying. Is there any way to speed it up?

  • BluePhaze There are no physics in the game. Most things use the platform, bullet, or custom (event-based) behaviors.

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  • This has been happening for me and my teammates since spritefont was added. You can 'fix' it by temporarily disabling WebGL.

  • "Properly formatted" I suppose. Check out Pyxel Edit - it's perfect for animating & formatting sheets like you want as it uses grid cels in place of animation frames.